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Vanessa Schick博士根据她寻求协助的社区的意见制定了公共卫生计划。
Vanessa Schick博士根据她寻求协助的社区的意见制定了公共卫生计划。(照片由Uthealth提供)
Vanessa Schick博士和J. Michael Wilkerson博士,MPH,研究方法,以改善在卡车停靠beplay苹果手机能用吗站进行性工作的人们的健康成果。
Vanessa Schick博士和J. Michael Wilkerson博士,MPH,研究方法,以改善在卡车停靠beplay苹果手机能用吗站进行性工作的人们的健康成果。(照片由Uthealth提供)
J. Michael Wilkerson博士,MPH博士,德克萨斯州卡车站Uthealth公共卫生学院的助理教授。
J. Michael Wilkerson博士,MPH博士,德克萨斯州卡车站Uthealth公共卫生学院的助理教授。(照片由Uthealth提供)

从事研究职业可能会想到实验室和试管的图像。beplay苹果手机能用吗但是对于Vanessa Schick博士来说,这意味着卡车停下来,地下通道以及其他地方可以与那些慢性无家可归者互动的地方。

Schick, an associate professor at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Uthealth)公共卫生学院正在努力将她的公共卫生资源知识(通常称为她的工具箱)直接传递给最需要这些的人。

尽管她的职业生涯最初更传统地以研究为导向,但“与他们在一起的人见面”迅速发展成为她工作的核心。beplay苹果手机能用吗它最初是为了促进与研究合作伙伴J. Michael Wilkerson,MPH,UTHealth的助理教授的研究合作伙伴J. Michael Wilkerson博士,在得克萨斯州在得克萨斯州从事性工作的人们进行性传播感染(STI)放映计划。beplay苹果手机能用吗公共卫生学院。与他们正在采访的人互动后,它发生了变化。Schick很快意识到,如果没有满足基本需求,那么还有什么关系?

“I remember interviewing a woman that first day and asking her if she was interested in getting tested for an STI, and she told me that would be great, but what she really needed was a sandwich,” Schick said. “We had to stop and really learn how to be a support to those in these spaces without an agenda in ways that they defined for themselves.”

她决定将自己的努力和编程集中在进行研究的社区的需求上。beplay苹果手机能用吗这涉及多种多样的重点,包括经常相交的各种经验的人 - 无家可归,司法系统的参与和性工作。


“It’s important to remember that support systems are almost always designed by well-intentioned individuals, but they are often based on a single perspective or goal – often driven by finances. As a result, there’s too frequently a misalignment between what’s offered and what’s needed,” Schick said.


Schick’s research background spans topics such assexual health,,,,sexual identification,,,,and安全的性行为,因此,她非常谨慎地将她的注意力转移到经历无家可归的人身上。她不想看起来像是内在地知道社区所面临的斗争或他们需要什么样的公共卫生计划。

“When looking at these populations and possible solutions for them, I always make every effort to be mindful of the ways in which my privilege may impact my perspective,” Schick said.


Liver cancer is most commonly caused by viral hepatitis, which individuals experiencing homelessness are at a greater risk of contracting. The grant provides funds to help educate, test, vaccinate, and treat individuals through partnerships with New Hope Housing, the largest provider of permanent supportive housing in Texas, and Healthcare for the Homeless.




“It is always easy to be critical of programming offered through academics or in the community. But we all want to do better. The challenge is that we’re all driven by mission-specific outcomes that sometimes constrain the work that can be offered in problematic ways. In a school of public health, we can be neutral – listening to the voices of the community – and convening the necessary partners,” Schick said. “We can work together to make people’s lives safer and better, and bring together services to support them.”


Schick’s goal extends beyond reducing recidivism to creating a public health solution that addresses the complex needs of the community and supports them in their most vulnerable moments.

“我们如何从这里上游?关于公共卫生的独特之处之一是我们不等待人们跌倒。我们弄清楚问题是什么,我们试图解决这个问题。” Schick说。“对我来说,直到人们陷入他们无法摆脱的系统中,这一切都不要等待。”

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