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The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) publicly launched its first comprehensive campaign许多面孔。一个任务。on Thursday, April 8. The campaign, representing the largest philanthropic effort in UTHealth’s history, aims to raise $500 million to address pressing health challenges and secure the institution’s future as a top health science center. Since the campaign’s quiet phase began in 2015, UTHealth’s closest friends have given more than $400 million in gifts and pledges.

“ Uthealth的近50年历史是我们共同努力时能取得的成就的鼓舞人心的证明,”总裁兼Alkek-Williams杰出主席医学博士Giuseppe N. Colasurdo说。“许多面孔。一个任务。expands on that legacy and embodies our longstanding commitment to building healthier communities.”

这个名字反映了大学的重点将专家社区聚集在一起以改善健康,许多面孔。One Mission。在Uthealth的关键时期发射。从护士到医生和公共卫生领导者对卫生专业人员的需求增加,对全国卫生系统提出了重大挑战。


  • 促进大脑和行为健康。The campaign will establish UTHealth as a leader in brain and behavioral health, dedicated to developing better treatments and making mental health care accessible to all.
  • Training the Next Generation of Health Professionals。UTHealth will address shortages in critical health care professions by deepening the institution’s commitment to the next generation of practitioners and innovators—as well as the experts who educate them.
  • Improving Houston’s Health.The campaign will help UTHealth enhance efforts to save lives and improve health outcomes throughout Houston by amplifying collaborative research, encouraging a passion for learning, and promoting patient care and public health initiatives.

A landmark commitment to improving Houston’s mental health

根据该运动对促进大脑和行为健康的承诺,约翰·邓恩基金会(John S. Dunn Foundation)做出了2500万美元的变革性承诺,致力于在Uthealth跨越行为健康计划。

约翰·邓恩基金会(John S. Dunn Foundation)受托人迪克·罗杰斯(Dick Rogers)说:“邓恩基金会(Dunn Foundation)认为迫切需要改善我们的心理健康。”“在过去的八到十年中,我们已经将越来越多的基金会年度赠款致力于心理健康计划。与Uthealth合作,我们将确保得克萨斯人能够获得更快的行为健康干预措施,更好的治疗选择以及更多可以提供以患者为中心的精神卫生保健的专家。”

邓恩基金会的承诺将在Uthealth的McGovern医学院的精神病学和行为科学系路易斯·A·菲拉斯(Louis A.beplay苹果手机能用吗一个教育基金,以丰富学生,居民和研究员的学术环境;一个新的讲座系列,分享知识并引发有关最新实践和研究的辩论;beplay苹果手机能用吗以及将有助于将心理保健中最聪明的思想带到休斯敦的教师。

“It is reported that nearly 1 in 5 people in the United States suffer from a mental health condition,” said Charles M. Lusk, III, President of the John S. Dunn Foundation. “We see this having a profound effect on society, reflected in homelessness, incarceration rates, and drug and alcohol abuse. This grant to UTHealth is historic for the Dunn Foundation. Never have we considered something this large, which is a testament to the importance we place on addressing mental health. Johnny Dunn would be proud to support efforts to reduce the barriers to quality behavioral health resources.”

为了纪念基金会的慷慨,UTHealthwill establish the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center to support innovative behavioral health research, education, and patient care.

“约翰·邓恩基金会(John S. Dunn Foundation)几十年来一直在我们改善身体和行为健康的努力中发挥了重要作用,”科拉苏尔多说。“我们很荣幸能够继续这种巨大的伙伴关系,并通过邓恩行为科学中心继续约翰·邓恩的遗产。”

The John S. Dunn Foundation’s generosity joins a growing list of philanthropic commitments to许多面孔。One Mission。来自大学的朋友:

  • The John P. McGovern Foundation made a landmark commitment, the largest gift in the university’s history, to advance health education and discovery at the renamed John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.
  • Jane and Robert Cizik made a significant pledge to shape the future of nursing education and health care delivery at the Jane and Robert Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth.
  • 校友约翰·J·科普奇克(John J.beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • Glassell家族基金会向Uthealth的生物医学信息学学校(该学院历史上最大的承诺)宣誓促进人工智能和数据科学教育和研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • Donors including the John P. McGovern Foundation, The Elkins Foundation, The Cullen Trust for Health Care, and The Cullen Foundation provided vital early support for the COVID-19+ Cohort Study, a collaborative effort at UTHealth School of Public Health to understand why some patients get severe COVID-19, to track long-term outcomes, and to identify the most effective treatment options.
  • Uthealth牙科校友和教职员工,包括维多利亚Q. Cisneros,DDS;Rita M. Cammarata,DDS;伯纳德·卡茨(Bernard Katz),DDS;约翰·M·鲍尔斯(John M. Powers)博士回馈学校,以支持从修复牙科到修复性牙齿到生物材料的计划和举措。

许多面孔。One Mission。代表了Uthealth的大胆而雄心勃勃的下一章,” Colasurdo说。“这一刻在医疗保健中需要它,我们知道我们的社区将帮助我们应对手头的挑战,以创造更美好,更健康的所有人。”

了解如何许多面孔。一个任务。will help UTHealth tackle pervasive health challenges, visit thecampaign website

For media inquiries, 713-500-3030

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