


Vincent Van Gogh's revolutionary artwork was more than a product of mad genius, according to a mental health expert

Image of Vincent Van Gogh. His struggles with mental illness are often credited as the root of his artistic genius, but a UTHealth psychiatrist says that is just one thing that influenced him. (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)
Vincent Van Gogh's struggles with mental illness are often credited as the root of his artistic genius, but a UTHealth psychiatrist says that is just one thing that influenced the work of the world-renowned painter. (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Vincent Van Gogh is often credited as "the mad painter," best known for his use of bold colors and brush strokes, an uncommon style during his time. His struggles with mental illness are commonly highlighted as the root of his artistic genius, but a psychiatrist with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)分享说,这只是影响世界著名画家艺术品的因素之一。

Marsal Sanches, MD, PhD, an associate professor of psychiatry at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, has analyzed Van Gogh's work, aiming to determine what diagnoses might have been the root causes of his bouts of depression, mania, and mood swings. Sanches has also drawn parallels between his art and what was happening in his life to determine if his mental state had a direct correlation to his work as a painter. He recently presented to colleagues during Grand Rounds for the Louis A. Faillace, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at McGovern Medical School.

Sanches considered several possible diagnoses for Van Gogh before ultimately concluding that his mental state cannot be attributed to a single, solitary diagnosis, but instead is a combination of several factors that made up his personality and view of the world.

桑切斯说:“当然,这只是一项学术练习。”“不可能确定梵高的诊断是什么 - 基于回顾性评估的信息,这些只是假设,并且应根据这种方法固有的局限性观察任何结论。”

在对梵高作品的分析中,桑切斯评估了其他心理健康专家的研究,包括荷兰格罗纳根大学精神病学教授威廉·诺伦(Willem beplay苹果手机能用吗Nolen),医学博士,博士学位。

Nolen analyzed self-reported symptoms the artist mentioned in his letters to friends and family, as well as other sources including notes from his doctors, to explore all possible diagnoses.

“用诺兰从新加坡oach, there is strong evidence to support a diagnosis of bipolar disorder," Sanches said. "But this cannot be offered as a full explanation and no single disorder likely explains all of his mental health problems. He most likely suffered from several comorbid disorders."

While Van Gogh was always considered an emotional child, much more so than his siblings, his first documented depressive episode did not occur until he was 22 years old. After losing his job as an art dealer and moving to Paris with his younger brother to pursue a career as a painter, he continued to have clear episodes of depression and manic behavior.

桑切斯说:“在此期间,他的绘画显然反映了他的心情转变。”该时间轴将与可能是双相情感障碍的第一次表现相匹配。双相情感障碍的症状包括强烈的情感感觉和对人的睡眠方式和活动水平的变化,通常在青少年晚期至成年后开始出现。National Institute of Mental Health.


"There is no unique answer for the reason of his fixation with the color yellow," Sanches said. "Some researchers believe that might have been the result of medical or neurological conditions able to cause a predominance of yellow in vision (xanthopsia). Another hypothesis is that one of the components of absinthe, which we know Van Gogh used heavily, might have caused him to develop a 'yellow vision.'"

梵高(Van Gogh)住在阿尔斯(Arles)期间,他于1888年12月23日切断了耳朵。这时他第一次被送进医院并被诊断出患有癫痫病。

He voluntarily put himself in the hospital again for one year in 1889. It was a period full of ups and downs but also very busy professionally for Van Gogh as he completed more than 300 pieces during this time, including the famous "Starry Night." At the end of this year-long hospital stay, Van Gogh's doctor claimed he was cured of his depression, hallucinations, and delusions. However, over the next 10 weeks, he apparently continued to deal with feelings of sadness and loneliness, and dove into his work completing 70 more pieces. On July 29, 1890, he died by suicide. Van Gogh's last words, according to his brother, were, "The sadness will last forever."

Several authors, including Shelley Carson, PhD, whom Sanches also cites in his analysis, have extensively studied the relationship between psychopathology and creativity. Carson, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, has proposed a model, according to which certain shared neurobiological elements could predispose individuals to both creativity and mental illness.

While some studies do suggest that individuals in creative professions are at higher risk of suffering from a mental disorder, that relationship cannot be generalized. "There are many highly successful artists who show no signs of mental illness, as well as patients with psychiatric disorders who are not artists," Sanches said.


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