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Advancing HIV research and education

Advancing HIV research and education

Nursing's key role


“We don’t have huge outbreaks here, but we are still nowhere near where we need to be,” said Assistant ProfessorSheryl Malone-Thomas,DNP,RN,FNP-BC。

一月份,马龙·托马斯(Malone-Thomas)在休斯敦卫生部担任首席护士和一名家庭护士从业人员,在休斯顿卫生局(Uthealth Houston)加入了西齐克护理学院,在休斯顿卫生部门担任家庭护士,在那里她领导了HIV,STD和病毒性肝炎的局。她的吸引力进一步加强了学校对包括院长在内的艾滋病毒研究的重点和越来越多的关注beplay苹果手机能用吗Diane Santa Maria’sNIH-funded studies of substance use, mental health, and HIV prevention among youth experiencing homelessness.

Santa Maria worked closely with colleagues at multiple institutions to support the establishment in May 2021 of the德州发展中心的援助S Research(TX D-CFAR)。贝勒医学院还担任中心的地点,除了Cizik护理学院外,合作机构还包括休斯敦Uthealth的McGovern医学院和圣安东尼奥的德克萨斯生物医学研究机构。beplay苹果手机能用吗

Nurses play an important role in prevention and management of HIV, and Cizik School of Nursing’s leadership in the TX D-CFAR ensures the integration of nursing science into interdisciplinary efforts toward “Ending the HIV Epidemic,” an initiative established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“The creation of this center offers exciting opportunities for nurse scientists to collaborate with physicians, public health experts, community partners, and bench scientists to find ways to improve quality of life for people living with HIV and help prevent new infections,” said Santa Maria, DrPH, MSN, RN. “These collaborations are crucial in Texas, where we have seen slower adoption of measures that have proven to be effective in other parts of the U.S.”

Santa Maria serves as co-director of the TX D-CFAR and of its Developmental Core, Mentoring Program, and Substance Use Scientific Working Group (SU-SWG). The Developmental Core helps junior investigators get a foothold in HIV-related research through mentoring, grant-writing assistance, pilot funding, and other support services. The SU-SWG was established to help fill research gaps related to the intersection of substance use and HIV prevention and treatment.

Antiretroviral drugs have transformed HIV into a chronic disease that can be managed across the lifespan. However, any chronic condition comes with potential symptoms, and few treatments come without side effects. Of all members of a health care team, nurses often interact with patients most, putting them in a prime position to assess symptoms that affect quality of life.

Cizik School of Nursing faculty are embracing the nurse’s role in HIV prevention and treatment at all levels, from Malone-Thomas’ work to educate undergraduate students, to nurse scientists in the Department of Research, two of whom have already received CFAR grants related to symptom science and overlapping chronic illnesses (see sidebar below).

One program championed by Associate Dean and Chair of the Department of Undergraduate StudiesErica Yu,RN博士,是由贝勒医学院 - 艾滋病教育与培训中心计划(BCM-HOSTON AETC)组织的跨专业教育计划(IPE)。该中心是CDC国家协调资源中心的区域办事处。休斯顿地区几个机构的各种医疗保健计划中的所有教育水平的学生都可以获得参加五个月会议的证书。马龙·托马斯(Malone-Thomas)解释说,每个人都会出现一个复杂的患者病例,其中一个患有艾滋病毒的人并讨论了最佳方法,他将在4月份提出预防案件。长达一个小时的会议实际上是进行的。

马龙·托马斯(Malone-Thomas)说:“这是一个很棒的合作,因为有护理,药房,社会工作和医学生,甚至是休斯顿大学的神经心理学教授。”“ IPE向我们的护理学生介绍了一个村庄的事实 - 不仅是一个人照顾一个拥有复杂医疗服务的人,患有艾滋病毒,高血压,糖尿病和账单的人。”

Cizik School of Nursing leaders are committed to enhancing HIV-related programs in coming years by developing curriculum and growing research efforts.

“As nurses, we have a great opportunity to make a positive impact on patients living with HIV or at risk for contracting it, especially here in Houston,” Santa Maria said.

马龙·托马斯(Malone Thomas)补充说:“这是我们真正具有实现零感染机制的疾病之一。”

HIV research from the nurse’s perspective

“Characterizing symptoms among subpopulations of persons living with human immunodeficiency virus”

Cizik School of Nursing Assistant ProfessorMeagan Whisenant, PhD, APRN, is principal investigator on this TX D-CFAR pilot grant funding a多学科研究。她说:“我们的长期目标是改善艾滋病毒携带者的生活质量。”

The $49,996 grant will fund collection of preliminary data to support future NIH grant applications to identify molecular and genetic contributions to symptom burden, develop interventions for symptom management, and validate a measurement tool that can be used in clinical trials. Co-investigators are Roberto Arduino, MD; Jordan Lake, MD, and Karen Vigil, MD, from McGovern Medical School, and Tito Mendoza, PhD, and Xin Shelley Wang, MD, from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Impact of depression and HIV symptoms on glycemic outcomes (A1c, BG) among patients living with HIV and type 2 diabetes.

Assistant Professor维罗妮卡·j·布雷迪, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, brings her research interest in diabetes to bear in another projected funded through a CFAR led by the University of Alabama.

先前的研究表明,艾滋病毒患者的糖尿病患病率高于普通人群,而艾滋病毒和糖尿病患者的抑郁症患者比仅患糖尿病的患者更大。15,000美元的CFAR SEED GRANT将使Brady的团队能够进一步探索艾滋病毒,糖尿病和抑郁症的交汇处,并试图回答有关症状和血糖结果的这种亚人群的重要问题。

来自阿拉巴马大学的Amanda Willig与Brady合作的是Amanda Willig;德克萨斯大学奥斯汀护理学院的朱莉·祖尼加(Julie Zuniga)博士;以及Cizik护理学院的MSPH Stan Cron。

(Banner image courtesy Getty Images.)

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