
School of Nursing Newsroom



Photo of Diane Santa Maria, dean ad interim, and there other UTHealth leaders cutting the ribbon on the new simulation center at Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth

(Jan. 31, 2020) –Cizik School of Nursing at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) held an open house to showcase its innovative technology that will help better educate future nurses as well as provide a new standard for compassionate elder care.

The open house, held on Jan. 22, included tours of the school’s recently expanded Simulation and Clinical Performance Laboratory, as well as its new Smart Apartment.

“The World Health Organization has designated 2020 the Year of the Nurse and Midwife and we have just been voted as the most honest and ethical profession 18 years in a row,” said Deanad interimDiane M. Santa Maria, DrPH, MSN, RN. “Just as nurses have always stood on the frontlines of health care, we believe our profession should take the lead in solving these challenges: hence, our Sim Lab and Smart Apartment.”


“这些创新进一步建立了医疗保健技术进步的最前沿,为我们的学生和教职员工提供了前所未有的研究和培训机会 - 所有这些最终都将使我们成为我们任务重点的患者受益。”beplay苹果手机能用吗,Uthealth的执行副总裁兼首席学术官。

Sim Lab

The sim lab will allow students to practice a wide range of clinical scenarios from childbirth to emergency medicine, using lifelike patient manikins to develop the skills they will use in hospitals and clinics.



Once fully staffed, the lab will be able to operate 12 hours a day, six days a week.

圣玛丽亚说:“使用先进的技术和模仿可以模仿各种症状的人物,SIM实验室可以提供现实的场景,可以代替多达40%的护理学生临床要求。”“通过教师的监督,我们可以立即提供反馈和指导,我们可以以全面的技能培训护士 - 从诸如服用药物和服用生命体征的基础知识到复杂的手术等基础知识,例如胸管安置和紧急救生技术。”

Smart Apartment

The goal of the Smart Apartment is to utilize technology to help seniors and people with disabilities live independently.


“For older adults, our Smart Apartment serves as a living laboratory to test age-friendly technologies that support aging in place. As a growing number of older adults want to stay in their homes as long as possible, many will face physical disabilities, mental decline, and chronic health conditions that make independent living a challenge,” said Constance Johnson, PhD, RN, associate dean of research at Cizik School of Nursing. “This apartment will test technology that combines advanced devices with artificial intelligence to alert family members and medical professionals about changes in the occupant’s condition.”

Living independently can become increasingly challenging for seniors because of the gradual decline many experience. Many seniors also have chronic conditions such as back pain, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.



More than 90 attendees took tours of the facilities at the open house.

圣玛丽亚对帮助使项目成为可能的利益相关者表示感谢。其中包括Uthealth开发委员会,合作伙伴,咨询委员会以及Cizik护理学院的教职员工,特别是Cathy Rozmus,RN,FAAN博士,学术事务副院长,他为实现这些项目贡献了无数小时。

她还感谢学校教育技术总监Linda Crays;仿真实验室主任埃里克·克里斯滕森(Eric Christensen);Nena Fairbanks和Courtney Stevens,学校的行政经理;设施,规划和工程部项目管理总监朱莉·卢卡斯(Julie Lucas);高级设施建筑经理Laura Berbel;以及医学院信息技术助理主任Dustan Brennan的创新,项目和研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗

This report includes information provided by Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth and Rob Cahill.

Faith Harper

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