

AACNhonoring Ulrich’s distinguished career with Marguerite Rodgers Kinney Award


乌尔里希-Beth_big thumb
贝丝·乌尔里希, EdD, RN, FACHE, FAAN
2018年玛格丽特·罗杰斯·金尼(Marguerite Rodgers Kinney)奖得主贝丝·乌尔里希(Beth Ulrich)博士在2017年春季的大使计划中为杰出的Pacesetter BSN学生提供了建议,以了解如何有效沟通和展示领导行为。
2018年玛格丽特·罗杰斯·金尼(Marguerite Rodgers Kinney)奖得主贝丝·乌尔里希(Beth Ulrich)博士在2017年春季的大使计划中为杰出的Pacesetter BSN学生提供了建议,以了解如何有效沟通和展示领导行为。

(2018年5月9日) - 美国关键护理护士协会(AACN)将纪念UTHEADY临床护理教授Cizik护理学院贝丝·乌尔里希, Ed.D., R.N., FACHE, FAAN, with the 2018 Marguerite Rodgers Kinney Award for a Distinguished Career. She will receive the award during the National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition in Boston, May 21-24, for exceptional contributions that enhance the care of critically ill patients and their families, and also further AACN’s mission and vision

享有声望的奖项带给获奖者选择的慈善机构$ 1,000礼物,终身会员资格AACN和一个水晶的复制品的总统“愿景”icon.


A faculty member of Cizik School of Nursing since 2014,乌尔里希在护理医生中教书(D.N.P.)计划和家庭健康部。30多年来,她一直担任医院,大型医疗保健系统和其他医疗机构的医疗保健主管,担任创新医疗资源的高级合作伙伴,为医疗保健组织和协会提供咨询服务。

“Beth’s work has provided valuable insights about the state of the health of the critical care nurse work environment,” said AACN board president克里斯汀·舒尔曼(Christine S. Schulman), M.S., R.N. “She has played an important role in our efforts to identify best practices related to healthy work environments and uncover workplace issues that need attention and care.”

乌尔里希is well-known for her research on nursing work environments and the experiences of new graduate nurses as they transition from nursing school to the workforce. She also is highly regarded for her leadership in developing the role of nephrology nurses and improving the care of nephrology patients.


她最近的书,掌握模拟:护士成功手册(ISBN-10:1938835034),被The Mele美国护理杂志。乌尔里希目前正在制作她的2012年书的第二版掌握预科:护士成功手册,还被选为年度AJN书籍。

乌尔里希(Ulrich)是美国肾脏病护士协会(ANNA)的长期成员,该组织担任其国家主席(1985 - 86年)。自2002年以来,她一直是Nephrology Nursing Journal

Established in 1997, the Marguerite Rodgers Kinney Award for a Distinguished Career recognizes extraordinary and distinguished professional contributions that further AACN’s mission and vision of a healthcare system driven by the needs of patients and families where acute and critical care nurses make their optimal contribution.

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