

BSN students earn kudos for CPR skills

Omar Tabbara demonstrates CPR.
Pacesetter BSNstudent Omar Tabbara demonstrates CPR.
Pacesetter BSNstudent Hadia Khan
Pacesetter BSNstudent Hadia Khan
Omar Tabbara gets a high five from Clinical Educator Dionne Walker after sharing his story with nursing students in a basic life-saving class.
Omar Tabbara gets a high five from Clinical Educator Dionne Walker after sharing his story with nursing students in a basic life-saving class.

好奇心,信心和实践为Uthealth Houston学生的两名Cizik护理学院创造了机会,最近通过在临床轮换期间证明心肺复苏(CPR)技能,以打动他们的受体。

奥马尔·塔巴拉(Omar Tabbara)和哈迪亚·汗(Hadia Khan)都是副教授的信用刷新会议Sandra Branson无论是在医疗保健环境还是在社区中,他们都准备在需要心肺复苏术时加强他们的社区健康护理课程。

“这只是表明我们所有人都需要持续训练,” Branson博士,MSN,RN,CNE,她确保保持自己的第一响应者技能和资格。

The circumstances surrounding Tabbara’s and Khan’s first CPR experiences began almost identically. They heard codes being called in the ICUs where they were completing clinical rotations and went to investigate, hoping to observe and learn. In both cases, a nurse on duty asked if they were students, and offered them the chance to perform compressions.

“It was kind of like controlled chaos,” Khan said, describing the activities inside her patients’ room. “Everyone has a role, and you stick to that role.”


房间里的护士支持他,为他加油,并提醒他唱歌“ Stay Alive Alive”以保持适当的节奏。



“Things like this happen,” said Kahn, adding that the experience taught her the value of discussing wishes with family members, including whether to have do-not-resuscitate documents in place. “You have to accept that you can’t save everyone. You must do what’s best for the patients and the families.”


布兰森说:beplay苹果手机能用吗“该研究表明,在两年的时间范围内,技能上发生重大恶化的证据,因此,如果需要CPR,医疗保健工作者必须对CPR进行自信和有效的反应者。”“ CPR有效地表现可以使一个人的生存机会增加一倍,数据表明我们至少应该每六个月练习一次,因为我们会生锈。”



During the refreshers in her community health nursing classes, Branson uses an advanced CPR manikin that connects to an app to provide feedback on compression rate, depth, and recoil as well as ventilation and hands-off time.

Tabbara will graduate this spring and has been offered a job in the ICU at the hospital where Branson works. He advises nursing students to have confidence and advocate for themselves when opportunities arise to practice what they learn in school.

“我觉得我可以做到,我利用of the opportunity,” Tabbara said. “I will never forget this experience.”



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