
School of Nursing Newsroom

Leadership Academy


Alumna Debbie Adams on her ranch with longhorn cattle

Before she had even finished her education, Deborah “Debbie” Adams, BSN ’84, was called on to use her nursing skills. From encountering an unconscious man lying next to his bike on the side of the road, to coming across people with diabetes or epilepsy who were in trouble, to being the first medically trained person at the scene of a major car accident with multiple victims, Adams stepped forward.

“Every time I turned around, there was someone in need of help,” she said. “That’s just who I’ve always been though. If anybody was hurt, I’ve always run to them. I can never just pass on by.”



After graduating, she served as an ER nurse for 14 years before going into business, but she still jumps in to take care of family and friends. “Once a nurse, always a nurse,” she said.

Adams also serves the community by supporting nursing education so that talented students can become nursing leaders. A long-time partner of Cizik School of Nursing, Adams helped establish the Ambassador Program in 2016, enabling nursing students to work with mentors and engage in leadership development activities. Students learn management, teamwork, and communication skills to become the health leaders needed to face our country’s growing nursing shortage.

Now, as theMany Faces. One Mission.campaign propels education forward, she is making the single largest gift to the school from an alumna to establish the Deborah Garrett Adams Leadership Academy. In only the second nursing leadership academy in the country, students will learn everything from business networking to managing challenging interactions in the workplace.

亚当斯亲自学习了学院从她的ER护士经理,导师和朋友的朋友维纳斯·马诺斯(Venus Manos)教授的技能。现在,后代还将开发这些重要属性,使它们能够提供最佳的护理。


增长的程序是一个最高的一家rity forDiane M. Santa Maria,Drph,MSN,RN,Faan,Cizik护理学院的院长,Jane和Robert Cizik杰出主席和Huffington基金会护理教育领导主席。

“Nurses are being called to take on even greater responsibilities leading health care teams, and we must prepare our students for that,” said Santa Maria. “With the Leadership Academy, we will graduate exceptional nurses with the skills to become the health leaders that our patients, communities, and health systems need.”

Leadership Academy initiatives will be developed and rolled out over the next few years, beginning with a simulation in the fall 2022 semester in which BSN Ambassadors will join MSN leadership track students to learn about conflict management and crucial conversations. Future plans include alumni and community engagement and exploration of topics such as staff engagement, civility and professionalism, safety culture, health economics and policy, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. A fellowship program is also in the works.

“We don’t want to educate nurses on just the technical parts of the job,” Adams said. “We want them to have these extra skills under their belt to lead the changes needed in health care.”


Adams speaks of the amazing opportunities nursing has opened for her. Her work has taken her around the world – to Central America, South America, and Europe – and has enabled her to live a full life.


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