

Veteran spotlight: Nursing student to take flight on grand adventures in the Navy


凯尔西·香农(Kelsey Shannon)在美国国旗前的照片。
凯尔西·香农(Kelsey Shannon)(Courtesy photo)
Photo of Kelsey Shannon participating in a training exercise.(Courtesy photo)
(Courtesy photo)

在军队工作了近六年之后,凯尔西·香农(Kelsey Shannon)将很快开始她迄今为止最大的冒险 - 在美国海军的护理生涯。香农(Shannon)于12月从休斯敦Uthealth的Cizik护理学院毕业,并获得了护理科学学士学位。目前,她是德克萨斯陆军国民警卫队的医疗服务官,她将完成居住和培训,以成为一名飞行护士。




凯尔西·香农(Kelsey Shannon)
Uthealth Houston的Cizik护理学院学生


I really like the discipline that comes with being in the military. I initially joined for the financial benefits, and I fell in love with the culture that came with it – the people and camaraderie. The connections and relationships you make while in the military is unlike anything I have experienced on the civilian side, and that’s part of why I’m so excited to go full time.


I was in the Austin area, working as a researcher for a start-up company, and I was looking for a program that was reputable and fast. I didn’t want to spend another two years to get to my dream job of flight nurse. The Pacesetter BSN program at Cizik School of Nursing is top in the state, and its NCLEX licensure exam scores were among the best in the state. I applied, and they liked me enough to let me in. I had never been to Houston, and I didn’t have a full understanding how much emphasis the Texas Medical Center has in the city. It’s awesome, and I was able to see a lot more stuff than I thought I would in nursing school.

How did the military prepare you for UTHealth Houston?


When I was working as a nurse tech at Harris Health Ben Taub Hospital, sometimes patients were challenging, but it never really affected me. I was able to keep my cool and provide the care they needed, and I think part of that is from my experiences in the military. In the military, you’re pushed through high tension, conflict situations. It gave me a lot of understanding, and sometimes you must accept difficult situations for what they are and know it will pass, and it will be OK.

At basic training, I was put in charge of other people. I was 18 years old and in charge of 40 people, most of whom were at least 30 years old. The pressure of having that many eyes on me made me grow up and take on more responsibilities, and handle conflict in a healthier way. The skill has transferred into the medical field more than I thought it would.



It was essentially how the military determines your rank compared to all the people who commission at the same time. There are many factors, including GPA, clubs you participated in, and evaluations from instructors, and you have to go to a 40-day summer training. National rank is an accumulation of those things, and to be in the top percentile is a tremendous accomplishment.



您希望在不久的将来从休斯顿的Uthealth Houston带来什么?

重要的是不要害怕抓住机会,因为您在这里是有原因的 - 学习一切。有很多机会进入,包括丰富您的学习经验的俱乐部和计划。许多程序只是选中这些框,但休斯顿乌西顿善于帮助学生扩大自己的潜力。



Message to other veterans at UTHealth Houston?

Use our experience to your advantage, and know it’s OK to be a source of stability to others. There are a lot of anxieties that come with nursing school, whether you’re a veteran or not, but lean on your training because it will help get you through. And, don’t be afraid to reach out and utilize resources available to you –it makes you a stronger person. There are people on campus who genuinely want to help, like Rex Marsau, case manager for veteran admissions and retired Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy. He helped me complete the proper paperwork to allow me to continue my education while also serving in the National Guard.

Who has been your biggest influence?


Faith Harper

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