

福勒receives 2019 President’s Award for Leadership

President’s Award for Leadership goes to Debra Fowler in faculty category


(2019年4月29日) - Cizik护理学院专业发展与教职员工院长Debra L. Fowler, Ph.D., M.B.A., R.N., is a 2019 recipient of the President’s Award for Leadership. Michael R. Blackburn, Ph.D., executive vice president and chief academic officer at UTHealth, presented awards at the STAR Awards Luncheon on March 28.


Blackburn read for the audience what one nominator wrote: “I am retired military and I know what true leadership looks like. When you have a person in charge who genuinely cares about their people, whose door is always open and gives their full support to their people, that is the epitome of true leadership.”

总统的领导奖成立于2006年,受到UTHealth前副总裁兼首席人力资源官Michael Jimenez的启发,每年都会认可来自Uthealth校园各地的杰出领导人。决赛入围者是根据希门尼斯体现的领导才能选择的:通过服务,同情和道德标准来始终如一地展示领导力。获奖者由UTHealth总统选为三类:机密员工,管理/行政和专业以及教职员工。

In addition to Fowler, the 2019 recipients areCristina Sola, M.S.N., R.N., nurse manager in the Department of CardiothoraCic and Vascular Surgery at McGovern Medical School, andScott Patlovich,P.H.

Accepting the award,福勒也是社区/教育宣传副教授,分享了以下评论:

“First, I want to express my deep gratitude to my colleagues who nominated me for this award, Drs. Susan Ruppert, Lisa Boss, Sandy Branson, Angi Nash, Francine Snow, and Erica Yu. I am truly humbled by their acknowledgment of my leadership contribution.

Social scientists debate whether individuals are born leaders or if leadership is learned. My brother would tell you that as a kid, I was bossy. So my journey to becoming a true leader has been a lifelong learning process. Through many years of formal and informal leadership experiences, I have grown to understand that listening is more persuasive than telling, relationships are more important than org charts, and organizations thrive when the people who work in them are given opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.

In his book,仆人担任领袖,罗伯特·格林利夫(Robert Greenleaf)告诉我们仆人领导人的衡量标准是人们是否会成长为人。在我们的研究生课程中教授有抱负的护士领导者的10年中,当学生意识到自己作为领导者的潜力时,我目睹了巨大的转变。看到我与之合作和指导的同事,在他们的专业发展方面表现出色是非常有意义的。我的学生和同事教我成为更好的领导者。


再次感谢我的同事的衷心认可。谢谢您,科拉苏尔多总统选择我以向迈克尔·希门尼斯(Michael Jimenez)致敬。”

“每年,Uthealth都会接受多年来表现出卓越领导能力的人的提名。迈克·希门尼斯(Mike Jimenez)认为,员工的领导能力应该并且可以不断地培养并鼓励扩大。” Uthealth高级执行副总裁兼首席运营官C.P.A. M.B.A. Kevin Dillon说。“他会为人力资源通过非常成功的领导力发展计划所做的工作感到自豪。”

The award carries a $5,000 cash prize and a commemorative gift.

“谢谢你你做什么。当我们有people like you contributing to the mission areas of the university, year after year, it speaks volumes for the passion and loyalty you have,” said Giuseppe N. Colasurdo, M.D., president of UTHealth and Alkek-Williams Distinguished Chair.

访问2019年星级奖午餐会Flickr专辑to view more images of the event and of awardees receiving the President’s Awards for Leadership.

- 米歇尔·雷(Michelle Ray)报道,Uthealth公共事务

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