

Simulating struggles


Nursing students portraying a family living with poverty discuss how to make ends meet.
david Okello RN-BSN学生Goreti假装莫rtgage payment during a poverty simulation.
david Okello RN-BSN学生Goreti假装莫rtgage payment during a poverty simulation.

Uthealth Houston学生的数十个Cizik护理学院拿起名字徽章,并在四月份获得了新的身份,以了解生活在贫困中的家庭的生活。

Community health nursing students took on the roles of single parents, seniors experiencing homelessness, a young adult raising her siblings, and other characters based on real people served by social service agencies as part of the Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS).

“The simulation is not a game. Millions of people face these challenges every day,” Assistant Professor Riza Mauricio, PhD, RN, told the students.

麦戈文人文与伦理学中心副主任丽贝卡·伦斯特罗斯(Rebecca Lunstroth)副教授,丽贝卡·伦斯特罗斯(Rebecca Lunstroth,JD)副教授,休斯顿教职员工和教职员工中的教职员工。Lunstroth put together the university’s first poverty simulation for students at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston in 2018. She, Mauricio, and other faculty traveled to Jefferson City, Missouri, to learn about the CAPS program developed by the Missouri Community Action Network and to experience the simulation themselves.

“The goal is to make sure you keep a roof over your head and feed your family. I failed,” Mauricio said of the training session she attended in Missouri.


Students portraying family groups sat in clusters around the room, each with a packet describing their situation and containing play money and transportation vouchers – less than they would likely need. The challenge was to make it through a month paying all basic expenses and keeping kids in school while dealing with unexpected problems. Workweeks passed in 15-minute segments separated by five-minute weekends.

同时,志愿者坐在周围的桌子后面,代表企业和社会服务资源 - 银行,无家可归者收容所,抵押公司,房间一个角落的一所学校以及另一个监狱。当钟声响起新的“周”时,许多学生赶到当铺或发薪日贷款表。


RN对BSN学生Goreti Okello说:“我很幸运能够在一个有能力支付租金和公用事业的团队中,并在没有大幅度生活中断的情况下将食物放在桌子上,尽管我几乎因为拖延而失业了。”“整个经历令人震惊,这只是加强了一个事实,我们所有人都需要给彼此一点恩典和友善。令人难过的是,许多美国人是一项薪水,一次受伤或远离街头生活的严重疾病。”

对于Pacesetter BSN学生Mehgan Orsak,模拟强调了与他人建立联系的价值。她说:“我了解到有多少仁慈和同理心能真正产生影响。”“当我花点时间与同伴交谈时,我在房间里跑来跑去,试图支付账单并购买杂货。我们俩都讨论了模拟和我们感到的压力中发生的一切,我意识到我感觉与某人说话有多好,而不是试图只专注于自己。”

Many aspects of the simulation seemed familiar to Pacesetter student Krystal Rodriguez, who lived through family financial challenges herself.


Lunstroth and Mauricio said plans are underway to make the next poverty simulation an interprofessional collaboration among various schools at UTHealth Houston.


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