
School of Nursing Newsroom

Seeds of nursing research

Inspiring nurse scientists

Dr. Patricia Grady
帕特里夏·格雷迪博士送我naugural Jane and Robert Cizik Lecture.
(L-R)Uthealth休斯顿首席学术官Michael Blackburn博士,Jane Cizik,主题演讲者Patricia Grady博士和Paula Cizik参加了首届Jane和Robert Cizik讲座。
(L-R)Uthealth休斯顿首席学术官Michael Blackburn博士,Jane Cizik,主题演讲者Patricia Grady博士和Paula Cizik参加了首届Jane和Robert Cizik讲座。(横幅图像)Patricia Grady博士。
Dr. Patricia Grady describes the impact of retired Cizik School of Nursing Professor Nancy Bergstrom’s research.
Dr. Patricia Grady describes the impact of retired Cizik School of Nursing Professor Nancy Bergstrom’s research.

帕特里夏·格雷迪(Patricia A. Grady)博士,RN,FAAN探索了19月22日在休斯顿Uthealth Houston的Cizik护理学院的首届Jane和Robert Cizik演讲期间的护理科学的过去,现在和未来。

The keynote address by Grady, a neuroscientist and Director Emeritus of the National Institute of Nursing Research, capped a day of activities that included meeting and consulting with early career faculty and doctoral students about their research pursuits.

This annual series of lectures is made possible by a foundational $25 million gift from Jane Cizik and her late husband, Robert. The school was renamed in honor of the Cizik family’s 2017 gift, which also established endowments to support faculty research and student scholarships.

19009年的大流行延迟了就职演讲,该讲座是亲自参加的。迪恩说:“对于我们来说,这是庆祝护理研究对我们职业的各种贡献的绝妙方式。”beplay苹果手机能用吗Diane Santa Maria, DrPH, MSN, RN, while thanking Jane Cizik and her daughter, Paula Cizik, who both attended the lecture.


“We’ve learned that science really isn’t as neat as we sometimes thought it was,” she said, adding that the accelerated pace of scientific discovery in the past two years made the above-mentioned challenges more acute. Scientists are accustomed to long-term studies that are replicated over time. “During this time, we are really learning the results of studies in real time…. We’ve really been building the body of knowledge as we go along.”

Grady traced the evolution of nursing science from Florence Nightingale’s groundbreaking infection control work in the 1850s to the National Academy of Medicine’s “Future of Nursing: 2020-2030” report, which emphasizes nurses’ vital role in creating a more equitable health care system.

She touched on areas where the patient- and family-focused practice of nursing can have great impact on scientific research, including the fields of symptom science, wellness, disease self-management, and end-of-life palliative care.

In presenting illustrative examples of nursing science’s contributions to improvements in patient care, Grady discussed the Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk, a tool developed in the 1980s by Barbara Braden, PhD, RN, FAAN, and retired UTHealth Houston Professor and prior Associate Dean of Research Nancy Bergstrom, PhD, RN, FAAN. Subsequent scientists used mRNA sequencing of patient tissues to refine the scale.

同样,格雷迪(Gradybeplay苹果手机能用吗科学美国人article 30 years later. Advances in technology had enabled the next generation of scientists to verify her findings and build on her work.

“Seeds planted grow. Persistence pays off,” she advised early career nurse scientists beginning careers of discovery.

Sherri Deatherage Green

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