



Diane M. Santa Maria博士
圣玛丽亚 - 比格拇指

(2019年2月19日) - 一种专门用于评估人口贩运的筛查工具更有可能与常用的心理社会评估相比,更有可能确定对青年的性和劳动剥削,以及危险因素。beplay苹果手机能用吗休斯敦(UTHEADY)和贝勒医学院的德克萨斯健康科学中心。

研究参与者是从中招募的Covenant House Texas,,,,the largest shelter in Houston for homeless youth and young adults. Results were recently published in the国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志beplay苹果手机能用吗

“新的评估工具在寻找剥削方面更有效。对于与高风险团体合作的提供者来说,添加这些问题特定于贩运非常重要。”黛安·M·圣玛丽亚,R.N. P.H.博士,,,,Interim Dean和多萝西·T·尼科尔森(Dorothy T. Nicholson)的杰出教授Cizik School of Nursing在Uthealth。确定它们使这些年轻人可以访问原本无法获得的服务。您无法帮助您不认识的人。”

根据联合国毒品和犯罪办公室的数据,得克萨斯州的人口贩运案件是加利福尼亚州的第二高。2016年的报告Statewide Human Trafficking Mapping Project of Texas,,,,estimated that 313,000 people were experiencing human trafficking, including 79,000 minors and youth experiencing sex trafficking.

“该项目的一个重要部分是在Covenant House进行筛查,以使居民受益,”贝勒(Baylor)儿科医学系的青少年医学研究员萨利纳·莫斯塔哈比(Salina Mostajabian)说,该研究进行了研究。。“拥有标准工具将最大程度地提高识别受害者并获得所需资源的可能性。”

Texas Covenant House提供由Baylor提供的现场精神病学和心理学服务,并雇用了全职心理健康顾问以及其他心理健康和创伤信息的护理服务,以帮助满足这些年轻人的需求。

“这项研究强调了医疗保健提供者需要认识到被贩运向提供者开放的年轻人的困难。”Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Child Health Policy and Advocacy. “Providers need to be trained on the importance of using a trafficking-specific screening tool to maximize the opportunity to identify trafficking survivors. We also have to offer the most supportive and accepting atmosphere as possible to help overcome mistrust in the health care system and optimize acceptance of resources.”

Bocchini, who has helped develop curricula on human trafficking for health care providers, and Mostajabian conducted focus groups with youth who completed the screening tool. Those sessions provided insight into the barriers that youth experience in being identified as victims, as well as in accessing services that could help them find safety and treatment. Youth reported mistrust of the system, fear of involving law enforcement, not wanting to interact with the mental health system, and stigma as barriers to disclosure.



圣玛丽亚(Santa Maria)说:“从寄养和少年司法到无家可归,尤其是在休斯敦,有一条管道。


The Human Trafficking Screening Tool (HTST), designed by城市学院,,,,asked specific questions about trade for sex based on the data, 22 percent reported they had traded sex for food, clothing, money, shelter, favors, or other necessities for survival. Of those, 70 percent were minors (under age 18) the first time they traded sex. Commercial sexual exploitation was more likely to be identified by the new tool than the standard psychosocial assessment.

“We found that the entry into trafficking also happens through family, friends, and acquaintances. This was extremely eye-opening and needs to be explored,” Santa Maria said. “These are kids who have fallen through every crack society has. When these youth are in desperate need of food and shelter, the vulnerability for trafficking is tremendous.”


Untangling what’s happening –



Half of the participants in the study had stayed on the streets in the past month; 29 percent had been in treatment centers, shelters, or detention facilities; and 19 percent reported spending most nights in parks, tents, cars, or abandoned buildings.


Study co-author Elizabeth Newlin, M.D., vice chair for child and adolescent psychiatry at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, and her team are treating youth who have experienced sex trafficking. She envisions a comprehensive system designed to treat youth that includes collaborative efforts among law enforcement, the juvenile court system, community-based nonprofit organizations, and the addition of a designated unit at UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center (UthealthHCPC).

提议提交了德克萨斯州立法机关的资金,其中包括指定的住院单位,以及社区,学校和家庭基础密集的门诊服务Trauma and Resilience Center在里面精神病学和行为科学系麦戈文医学院。建议包括research to provide a best-practices model that could be disseminated to the rest of the state. The interdisciplinary treatment team at the center includes specialists from child psychiatry, adolescent medicine, nursing, psychology, and social work. The Trauma and Resilience Center’s multidisciplinary teams would work in coordination with existing specialized programs that provide case management and advocacy for child sex trafficking survivors.


贝勒医学院儿科学系青少年医学研究部研究主任康妮·维曼(Connie Wbeplay苹果手机能用吗iemann)博士也为该项目做出了贡献。


- 黛博拉·曼恩湖(Deborah Mann Lake)|媒体热线:(713)500-3030



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