
School of Nursing Newsroom



UTHealth教授Cizik护理学院RN博士Joanne Hickey和RN的Constance Johnson博士演示了智能公寓的机器人监测技术。
UTHealth教授Cizik护理学院RN博士Joanne Hickey和RN的Constance Johnson博士演示了智能公寓的机器人监测技术。
UTHealth教授Cizik护理学院RN博士Joanne Hickey和RN的Constance Johnson博士演示了智能公寓的机器人监测技术。(Photo courtesy Cizik School of Nursing.)

(2020年5月19日)休斯顿 - 来自休斯顿大学beplay苹果手机能用吗健康科学中心和赖斯大学的研究人员正在Uthealth的Cizik护理学院启动研究Smart Apartmentusing seed grants to study technological tools to help older people live independently.


The Smart Apartment, where they will conduct their preliminary research, is a living laboratory equipped with sensors, monitors, robots and other devices that researchers will use to identify and pilot technologies that can help monitor self-management of chronic diseases and detect health and behavior changes in aging and disabled adults.

“我们很高兴宣布我们的第一批种子赠款的接收者。”Constance Johnson,博士,MS,RN,FAAN,CIZIK护理学院研究系副主席。beplay苹果手机能用吗“随着我们的人口年龄的增长,改善想要留在自己家中的老年人的生活至关重要,当前的大流行使技术支持和远程监测能力的需求更加明显。”

Seed Grants

Facial and Body Motion Technology to Detect Psychosocial Distress in Stroke Survivors and Informal Caregivers Living at Home

This pilot study will recruit stroke survivors and their informal caregivers to help test technologies in the simulated home environment to look for signs of psychosocial distress, which can contribute to poor outcomes. The grant is funded by Johnson in her role as the Maria C. and Christopher J. Pappas Family Distinguished Chair in Nursing. Cizik School of Nursing Associate ProfessorJennifer E. S. Beauchamp,博士,RN,FAAN是主要研究员。联合主管调查员是Uthealth生物医学信息学学院(SBMI)助理教授Shayan Shams博士。

The Co-Investigators are:

  • Uthealth SBMI - 副教授Xiaoqian Jian,博士
  • UTHealth McGovern Medical School: Clinical Assistant Professor Jennifer Hughes, PhD; Professor and Frank M. Yatsu, MD, Chair in Neurology Sean Savitz, MD; and Associate Professor Anjail Sharrief, MD, MPH
  • 莱斯大学社会科学学院 - 克里斯托弗·法根德斯(Christopher Fagundes),博士

An AI-powered chatbot for supporting the medication information needs of older adults

Researchers aim to develop a voice-activated artificial intelligence “robot” that could be integrated into smart speakers (like Alexa, Siri or Google Home) and/or other devices to answer medication-related questions. The grant is funded by Johnson in her role as the Maria C. and Christopher J. Pappas Family Distinguished Chair in Nursing. Assistant ProfessorKirk Roberts, PhD, MS, UTHealth SBMI, is the Principal Investigator.

The Co-Investigators are:

  • UTHealth SBMI – Assistant Professor Muhammad Amith
  • Cizik护理学院 - 副教授Mary Ross,DRPH,MSN,RN,GCNS-BC;和助理教授Mandi Lyons,DNP,MSN,RN,WHNP-BC

Aging in Place with Cognitive Impairment: Toward User-Centered Assistive Technologies

Rice University Department of Psychological Sciences

This study will identify and assess the needs, availability and usefulness of assistive technologies among white, Hispanic and African American patients with mild cognitive impairment to moderate dementia. It is funded by the Rice University ENRICH Program. Marcia O’Malley, PhD, faculty director of the ENRICH program and a professor of mechanical engineering at Rice, co-chaired the Aging in Place event at the Smart Apartment early this year. The principal investigator is Patricia R. DeLucia, PhD, in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Rice. The Co-Principal Investigator is Cizik School of Nursing Assistant Professor Sabrina Pickens, PhD, MSN, GNP-BC, ANP-BC.

The Co-Investigators are:

  • Cizik护理学院 - 助理教授Barbara Hekel,博士,MS,MPH,RN
  • 莱斯大学 - 副教授菲利普·科尔图姆(Philip Kortum)博士,助理教授斯蒂芬妮·利尔(Stephanie Leal)博士和弗雷德·奥斯瓦尔德(Fred Oswald)教授

by Sherri Deatherage Green


Jennifer E S(Sanner)Beauchamp,博士,RN,FAAN

康斯坦斯M约翰逊博士RN, FAAN女士

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