



Rates of homelessness and suicide among sexual- and gender-minority youth greatly exceed those of their heterosexual and cisgender peers, said黛安·圣玛丽亚,Drph,MSN,RN,Uthealth Houston的Cizik护理学院院长。


圣玛丽亚说10月19日UTHealth轩的一部分ton’s Diversity and Equity Speaker Series. She holds The Jane and Robert Cizik Distinguished Chair and the Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair in Nursing Education Leadership at Cizik School of Nursing. She has received more than $3.8 million in National Institutes of Health funding for primary and supplementary research projects assessing the efficacy of a nurse case management HIV prevention and care intervention among youth experiencing homelessness and holds co-director positions with the Texas Development Center for AIDS Research (TX D-CFAR).

根据2022年的LGBTQ+青年心理健康调查(Trevor Project),过去一年中,有45%的L​​GBTQ+青年认真考虑了自杀。圣玛丽亚说,对于跨性别者和非二进制青年来说,这一比例甚至更高,他们可能为归属感而苦苦挣扎。

She shared other statistics related to sexual health, practices, and increased risk for sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancy among LGBTQ+ youth, but she cautioned against applying generalities to any specific patient or person.


Establishing trust with LGBTQ+ youth who have been rejected by their families or aged out of foster care and juvenile justice systems can be an uphill battle, especially when a health care provider doesn’t understand their sexual or gender-affirming health issues or feels uncomfortable discussing such topics.


Estimating the number of LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness can be difficult because they typically don’t want to be found. “Youth often don’t want to interact with systems they may have had bad experiences with in the past, so they go to great lengths not to look homeless,” Santa Maria said.

但是,仅休斯顿独立学区就确定了约30,000名学生,他们被认为是无家可归或不稳定的学生。与其他一些城市相反,休斯顿的这些年轻人往往不仅仅是经过 - 大多数在这里和现在在庇护所,朋友的沙发和街道之间漂浮。



“It’s just a tragedy,” she said. “I think we really need to find ways to help families understand their role and give them the coping strategies to figure out how to continue that parenting role – to protect and support LGBTQ+ children.”

Sherri Green, Cizik School of Nursing

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