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Allison Edwards_Alexander Fellowship
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Largest yet! – Spring 2019 Alexander Fellows are: (left-right) Pankti Patel, Divya Peter, Angela Pawlak, Anna Roberson, Susannah “Helen” Cranford, Shamim Bhayani and Paige Chisholm.
Largest yet! – Spring 2019 Alexander Fellows are: (left-right) Pankti Patel, Divya Peter, Angela Pawlak, Anna Roberson, Susannah “Helen” Cranford, Shamim Bhayani and Paige Chisholm.

(2019年3月8日) - 群组三是本科护理学生最大的集团,从Joan和Stanford Alexander获得慷慨的赠款,这些赠款在Cizik护理学院提供专门的奖学金。选择的收件人Joan和Stanford Alexander Delewship在智力和发展障碍中are awarded $2,500 each and participate in a one-semester, two credit hour program of co-curricular study.


选择这个春季学期,群组三个包括七个Pacesetter BSN students

“我以前从未真正考虑过的事情是,当一个人对个人感到疑惑时,他们如何感受到他们的残疾或者想要了解更多信息,我们永远不会假设任何事情,只是有一次谈话并询问,”伙伴三个人说安娜·罗德森, who already has a B.S. in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences from The University of Texas at Austin.

迪彼得,谁赢得了三度Summa暨Shudefrom Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala, India, says: “I realized that most of the times it is our perception that is limiting many of these individuals who have immense capabilities. Society’s notion of disability categorizes them into a different group where they are treated with the so-called ‘disability labels.’ This belief sometimes prevents them from exploring their true potential.”

“People with disabilities thrive psychosocially when they are given the freedom to just be independent people with differences. And I think that knowledge will impact my nursing practice the most.” adds海伦克兰福德,谁获得了B.S.来自德克萨斯A&M大学的2014年,主要是一位专业的运动学,是一位经过认证的私人教练。

Others in Cohort Three are:

Angela Pawlak: a Bachelor of Science honors graduate from Texas A&M University. She has taught in a Montessori setting.

Shamim Bhayanistarted out at Rutgers University in New Jersey, but transferred here after finishing nursing pre-requisites at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).

Paige Chisholm: earned a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from Texas A&M and is a Pharmacology tutor.

Pankti Patel.was a medical assistant in the Cypress area who graduated with honors from Jersey Village High School.

“Competency-based education such as this Alexander Fellowship exposes student nurses to a variety of disability diagnosis in multiple facilities and settings-that are not always ‘controlled,’ like in an acute care setting, so they have no choice but to adapt to the needs of the population,” saysAllison P. Edwards, Dr.P.H., M.S., R.N., who is the program coordinator and an assistant professor in the Department of Undergraduate Studies.


Clinical locations for the Alexander Fellowship have included:The Transition Medicine Clinic at Baylor College of MedicineTIRR Memorial Hermann:泌尿外科门诊诊所,截肢者诊所和门诊诊所,中心提供健康促进活动和初级保健干预措施。研究员还在包括Shriner的医院,休斯顿,犹太学校,犹太家庭服务的地址Celebration Company,唐氏综合症的朋友,德克萨斯儿童医院的自闭症中心,以及布鲁克伍德社区。

“There is a strong need for a program like this nationally, addressing the disparities that exist for this population, and furthermore- the CDC, Healthy People 2020 and the National Council for Disability have all thrown down the gauntlet and challenged and encouraged healthcare professionals to incorporate disability education as a priority” said爱德华兹。“我们必须通过消除不仅包括消极态度的障碍,而且还包括负面态度,而且不准确,知识不足,以及有限的诊断,治疗和提供有助于这些差异的技能有限的障碍。”

应用程序链接将通过电子邮件发送给所有到第二学期PACESETTER B.S.N.students at the start of the summer semester, along with the deadline to apply for the Alexander Fellowship in the fall 2019 semester.


– David R. Bates, School Communications Director


Allison P Edwards, DrPH, MS, RN, CNE

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