

教师亮点 - 2022年春


Dr. Sandra Hanneman teaches a class during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Sandra Hanneman teaches a class during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • 对于研究生学习的副院长来说,这是忙碌的一年苏珊·鲁珀特(Susan D. Ruppert)博士,RN, FNP-C, ANP-BC, FCCM, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN. She has been elected as co-chair of the Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies Advisory Committee; has been elected to serve on the Nominating Committee of the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties for the 2022-2024 term; and has been elected to the inaugural the American Association of Colleges of Nurses Essentials Implementation Steering Committee.
  • 助理教授琳达·科尔,DNP,RN,APRN,CCNS,CNE,CPHQ,FCNSI,是德克萨斯州临床护士专家分支机构的总裁。She will serve as president-elect from 2021-2022;然后从2022 - 2023年担任总统。
  • 助理教授Sara Lewandowski, DNP, MS, BA, BS, RN, CNE, HWNC-BC, has been elected to serve on the American Holistic Nurses Association Nominating Committee.她将于2022年6月1日至2024年5月服务。

(横幅图像:桑德拉·汉尼曼(Sandra Hanneman)博士在COVID-19大流行期间教课程。)

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