
School of Nursing Newsroom

Postdoctoral fellow studies mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual youth of color

Deidra Carroll Coleman, DrPH
Deidra Carroll Coleman, DrPH
Deidra Carroll Coleman, DrPH
Deidra Carroll Coleman, DrPH

休斯顿Uthealth Cosik护理学院的博士后研究员Deidra Carroll Cobeplay苹果手机能用吗leman希望帮助遏制女同性恋,男同性恋和双性恋(LGB)有色人种的心理健康差异。她将使用15,000美元的院长研究奖来研究该人群中经历的压力beplay苹果手机能用吗源,以发展与文化相关,理论和循证干预措施,以帮助改善心理健康状况。


Her pilot study, titled “Determinants of mental health morbidity among LGB youth of color: A mixed methods study of intersectional perspectives,” is geared toward young people ages 14-18 and their parents from Black, Asian, and Hispanic families.

“Empirical evidence has demonstrated that parental support is key for LGB youth, and one of the most important factors impacting their current and future mental health state,” said Coleman.

Yet, only one in three youth who identify as LGB report living in a positive and accepting home environment. Moreover, research has shown that parental rejection is more prominent among Black and Latinx families than in White families. For this reason, Coleman is also studying how parents of color think about their child’s sexual identity.

“To date, no research has focused on how parental responses are formed to LGB youths’ identities,” said Coleman. “Without a clear understanding of the fears, beliefs, values, and goals driving parental rejection, efforts to improve mental health outcomes for youth will likely be curtailed.”

The study has two objectives. The first is to identify stressors associated with anxiety, depression, and substance use among the population; the second is to assess how parents appraise their child’s LGB identity and the extent to which this disposition is related to parents’ own mental health outcomes.

The research team will attempt to collect insights via a web-based survey and in-depth interviews. Coleman will use a series of social media ads to recruit participants for the study. She hopes her work can help move the needle to improve mental health for this vulnerable population – an issue that is close to her heart.


Laura Frnka Davis

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