


博士玛丽安·马库斯(Marianne Marcus)建立在TMC遗产上

Marianne Marcus, EdD, RN, FAAN
Marianne Marcus, EdD, RN, FAAN

Uthealth Houston的Cizik护理学院将在2022年庆祝其50周年,但Emerita教授在德克萨斯医疗中心(TMC)的家庭遗产却进一步恢复了。

Marianne Marcus, EdD, RN, FAAN,于1932年出生于当时的赫尔曼医院。在过去的十年中,她的祖父在赫尔曼庄园(Hermann Estates)的董事会中服役,该庄园发展了医院,该医院将成为TMC的基石。

Her life’s path took several twists and turns before leading her back to where it all began.

Both sides of Marcus’ family moved to Texas from the East Coast, and her parents met at what is now Memorial Hermann – Texas Medical Center. Her grandfather, Gurdon Avery Taft, was general superintendent of the Wells Fargo Company (Railway Express) Southern Department, where her father, Robert Newell Taft, also worked. Her mother, the former Helene Trumpold, was a nurse who cared for Robert’s mother, Caroline Swart Taft.

马库斯(Marcus)的父亲只12岁就死于心脏病。她的母亲搬家了家庭,然后住在德克萨斯州的威奇托瀑布(Wichita Falls),回到康涅狄格州,靠近自己的父母。她担任护士的两项工作,让她的三个孩子上大学。


Marcus at first rebelled against the family tradition of nursing. She wanted to teach foreign languages but soon learned she didn’t have a knack for linguistics. She reluctantly visited nursing schools with her mother in New York City and settled on Columbia University.


她在一次混音舞中遇到了一名年轻的医学生唐纳德·马库斯(Donald Marcus),因此开始了一段恋爱关系,导致了60多年的婚姻。

经过17年的休假后,他们的三个孩子 - 劳拉(Laura),苏珊(Susan)和詹姆斯(James) - 马库斯(Marcus)决定于1975年返回劳动力,并开始在纽约长老会医院的实用护理计划中任教。她从哥伦比亚的教师学院获得了教育和护理学硕士学位,然后在布朗克斯的雷曼学院和她的母校任教。


“我遇到的第一个人是多萝西·奥托(Dorothy Otto)博士,”马库斯回忆道。“我说,‘您认为您的护理学院有任何教师职位吗?’

That chance encounter would lead to a lifelong friendship and more than 30 years of teaching future nurses at UTHealth Houston under three deans – Arlowayne Swort, PhD, RN; Patricia Starck, PhD, RN; and Lorraine Frazier, PhD, RN.

Marcus began as an assistant professor teaching RN-to-BSN students and served in a number of leadership positions, including two stints as chair of the Department of Nursing Systems that totaled some 17 years. She earned her Doctor of Education from the University of Houston in 1989, then was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 1991 and professor in 1997.

In the late 1980s, Marcus was approached by a representative of Cenikor Foundation, which ran a residential rehabilitation program in Houston for those recovering from substance abuse. Cenikor wanted to establish an on-site clinic for its residents. Through this experience, Marcus discovered that patients living with addiction were underserved and poorly understood.

“I realized I didn’t know much about addiction, and others in the health care field didn’t either,” she said. “That became my real interest, to increase the knowledge of addiction in nursing curricula.”


She also developed an educational program to help nurses and clergy recognize the signs of addiction and address them in a nonjudgmental way. Then through her contacts with local pastors, she established an interdisciplinary program to teach social skills, nutrition, and other topics at a local elementary school.

她的职业生涯的亮点是在1999年,当时医师和慈善家约翰·P·麦戈文(John P.

“That was probably my proudest moment as a faculty member, to have him say that, ‘I want to recognize this one,’” she said.

马库斯以她指导为博士生的Cizik护理学院现任成员,包括助理教授Chukwudi Ekwemalor博士,MBA,MSN,PMHNP-BC,副教授Angela Nash,PhD,APRN。她与长期研究助理有特殊联系beplay苹果手机能用吗Deidra Carroll ColemanDrph,现在是学校的博士后研究员。

纳什说:“自从我们俩在后来的几年中开始我们的博士研究,并且有兴趣帮助成瘾的人,所以我们有很多共同点,因此我们成为了快速的朋友。”纳什说。beplay苹果手机能用吗“她戴着许多帽子,努力工作 - 甚至到80多岁,但她保持了镇定和不顽固的微笑。”

Ekwemalor described Marcus as an accomplished academician and research scientist as well as a “genuine nurse” who is highly regarded by students and peers alike.


院长Diane Santa Maria,Drph,MSN,RN, also draws inspiration from Marcus’ work, having recently received an NIH-funded grant to test a mindfulness-based intervention for youth staying in homeless shelters.

Marcus remained engaged with Cizik School of Nursing after her retirement in 2014, regularly lecturing on substance use in the elderly. Her adventures with Otto included attending PARTNERS events and occasionally adopting alter egos as standardized patients for diagnostic simulations. Marcus’ portrayal of “Mrs. Kowalski” kept the students on their toes.

“多萝西·奥托(Dorothy Otto)是马龙夫人。马龙夫人很好,但是科瓦尔斯基夫人可能真的很艰难。”马库斯解释说。“她是一个卑鄙,讨厌的女人,她对学生大喊大叫,并喝了很多酒。然后在课堂结束时,他们被介绍给我,就像我真正的身份一样,我们谈论了他们如何回应我。”

The Marcuses, now both professor emeriti, moved into the same retirement community as Otto a few years ago. Marcus delivered a eulogy for her long-time friend, neighbor, and colleague in January 2020.



Watch an excerpt of a recent oral history interview with Dr. Marianne Marcus

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