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Djukic接收grant, award for nursing research

Dr. Maja Djukic
Dr. Maja Djukic

It’s been a busy spring forMaja Djukic, PhD, RN, FAAN. The associate professor at Cizik School of Nursing at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston received a substantial grant and a prestigious award, and she participated in a Harvard University leadership development program.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) awarded Djukic a $235,975 grant in May for a study entitled “An examination of associations between transition to practice measures and the COVID-19 pandemic.” Associate Dean for Undergraduate StudiesErica Yu, PhD, RN, will serve as co-investigator and ProfessorNikhil Padhye,博士,作为高级生物统计学家。

“We know that new nurses in particular struggle with high rates of turnover. It’s complex and costly to onboard them and keep them at the bedside,” said Djukic, the John P. McGovern Distinguished Professor in Nursing. While new nurses are not leaving the profession in droves, they often don’t stick with their first employer very long, she noted.

The NCSBN study will involve a close academic-practice collaboration between Cizik faculty and Memorial Hermann Health System nurse leaders in analyzing data collected from 13 hospitals. Researchers will also interview nurse educators and nurse residency coordinators about their experiences during the pandemic and how they adapted the onboarding process. Djukic and her team will compare transition-to-practice measures and outcomes for nurses onboarded from 2020-22 compared with a control group who began their careers in 2017-19.

The study’s results will inform nursing leaders on transitioning new nurses to practice during future crises, said Djukic, who hopes to expand the project into a longitudinal study tracking outcomes over the next few years.

Dr. Djukic also authored a paper that explored the transition to practice for internationally prepared nurses in the United States. The paper, that was published last year in theWestern Journal of Nursing,was cited in “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030,” a report published by the National Academy of Medicine last month.

5月,Djukic获得了护士(​​QSEN)研究奖的质量和安全教育。beplay苹果手机能用吗该奖项由Case Western Reserve University的Frances Payne Bolton护理学院的QSEN研究所授予,以表彰该领域的重大成就。具体来说,Djukic博士通过领导国家研究来确定护士准备质量改善和患者安全方面的差距,并开发创新的解决方案以关闭它们,从而提高了质量和安全教育领域。

Two of her former faculty colleagues at New York University’s Rory Meyers College of Nursing joined Cizik School of Nursing Associate Dean for ResearchConstance Johnson,博士,RN,FAAN,提名Djukic获得该奖项。提名者写道:“她通过成功预期重要的卫生系统改革和开发教育创新,以最好地为护理人员做好准备,以在转变后的卫生保健系统中为最佳作用做好准备。”

Not resting on these accomplishments, Djukic attended the Harvard Macy Institute leadership development program in June following a competitive selection process.

“Dr. Djukic’s diligent pursuit of improvements in quality and safety education will enhance nurses’ preparedness and patient care for years to come,” Johnson said. “We are pleased to see her recognized for her important and growing body of work.”

In this story

Maja Djukic, PhD, RN, FAAN

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