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Houston Chronicle salutes three faculty members, two students

Kelli Galle receives her Salute to Nurses award
凯利加勒收到她敬礼护士奖(Photo courtesy UT Physicians)
向护士致敬杰西卡·戈麦斯(Jessica Gomez),卡桑德拉(Cassandra Twining),凯利·加勒(Kelli Galle)和丹尼兹·迪斯曼(Deniz Dishman)。
向护士致敬杰西卡·戈麦斯(Jessica Gomez),卡桑德拉(Cassandra Twining),凯利·加勒(Kelli Galle)和丹尼兹·迪斯曼(Deniz Dishman)。
Daisy Mullassery博士
Salute to Nurses honoree Dr. Daisy Mullassery

休斯顿乌西顿(Uthealth Houston)Cizik护理学院的三名教职员工和两名护理学生在2022年的“向护士致敬”中的《休斯顿纪事报》的获奖者之一。尽管他们每个人都遵循独特的护理和不同集中领域的途径,但他们都共享相同的目标:促进专业并为患者提供出色的护理。

InstructorKelli Galle,MSN,APRN,FNP-C,被选为休斯顿地区前15位护士之一,助理教授Deniz Dishman, PhD, DNAP, CRNA, andDaisy Mullassery,DNP,RN,WHNP-BC,是前150名。博士候选人Jessica Gomez,MSN,APRN,NNP-BC,IBCLC和IBCLC和护理科学学士学位(BSN)学生Cassandra Twining仅获得了三名学生之一。通过“向护士致敬”计划。

Shaping the Next Generation of Nurses

Kelli Galle, a full-time clinical instructor in the Pacesetter BSN program, enjoys sharing her clinical and personal nursing experiences with her students. She loves going to the hospitals and seeing graduates in clinical and leadership roles.



“It was an honor to care for people during the most vulnerable moments of their lives,” said Galle. “As they prepared to make their transitions, I had the incredible opportunity to be at the bedside while extending support to their family members when they needed it the most.”

Galle’s passion for nursing runs in the family. She followed her older sister into the field, receiving her BSN from the University of Holy Cross in New Orleans and her master’s degree at Cizik School of Nursing on the family nurse practitioner track.

No amount of guidance from her older sister or education could have prepared Galle for a worldwide pandemic, which put nurses in the global spotlight and directly on the frontlines.

她说:“ ​​Covid-19向世界展示了世界的敬业度以及我们在如此多的不确定性时处理增加的任务和责任的能力。”


“It’s acceptable to cry and show emotion in front of patients and their families. Although we have a huge workload and many tasks to complete, it’s important to show empathy and display grace and kindness. Sometimes, the smallest gestures make the biggest impact on people,” she said.

Reaching New Heights

Deniz Dishmanand Daisy Mullassery round out this year’s list of Cizik School of Nursing faculty honorees.


Mullassery在护理方面拥有30多年的经验,并在孟买医院研究中心(Bombay Hospital Research Center)教书了两年,她有机会照顾从卡塔尔王室成员到居住在沙漠中的贝都因人的患者。beplay苹果手机能用吗她的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗兴趣包括可预防疫苗的癌症,性和性别最少的医疗保健问题以及医疗保健教育的课程开发。


奖学金获得者杰西卡·戈麦斯(Jessica Gomez)一直在帮助他人方面感到高兴。

“When I found nursing, I knew I was exactly where I needed to be,” she said. “Every job I’ve held has allowed me to walk with families through their darkest times and celebrate when they have overcome insurmountable obstacles. It’s truly an honor to do what I do.”



“When an infant is premature or ill, the excitement of a new baby is often overshadowed by worry. As a neonatal nurse and now a neonatal nurse practitioner, I have the privilege of helping families navigate the environment of the NICU,” she said. “I walk with them through the ups and downs, rejoice with them when they celebrate milestones, and provide comfort when things don’t go according to plan.”


“As a nurse and nurse practitioner in the NICU, it has always been my goal to connect the families with their infant by supporting bonding experiences and breaking barriers of anxiety and fear,” said Gomez.


“Supporting connection and growth apply to all aspects of nursing care and perfectly describe why I love being a nurse,” she said. “We all have abilities and a purpose. When we work to find and fulfill our purpose, our community can thrive.”


A soon-to-be graduate of the Cizik School of Nursing, Cassandra Twining knew at age 3 that she was destined for a medical career.



在2021年春季,缠绕参加了Cizik护理学院Pacesetter BSN计划。从她踏上头等舱的那一刻起,她就知道自己做出了正确的决定。

“On the first day of clinical rotations, everything was confirmed for me. I knew this was my calling, and nursing school was exactly where I belonged,” she said.

After learning about various nursing specialties, Twining developed a passion for emergency medicine.



“I truly feel it is a privilege to care for those in some of the hardest times of their lives. From personal and family experience, I know that hospitals can be scary and can sometimes come with devastating news attached,” she said. “To make a difference in people’s lives or be the one person who made them more comfortable or safe is one of the greatest joys in my life.”

Laura Frnka-Davis


Deniz n Dishman,博士,DNAP,CRNA

Kelli M Galle,MSN,RN,FNP-BC

Daisy G Mullassery, DrNP, RN, WHNP-BC

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