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Where will you go
next in nursing?

No matter where you are on your nursing journey – or where you want to go – Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston can help you achieve excellence. This short quiz will help you chart your path to success.


Get Started

Your first step will be completing the prerequisites necessary for admission to Cizik School of Nursing’sBachelor of Science in Nursing(BSN) program.

You can start by:

  • Take advanced-placement courses while still in high school.
  • Apply to a two-year or four-year college or university to complete the required 60 hours of nursing prerequisites.
  • Study hard! Cizik School of Nursing is highly competitive, and our graduates are highly sought after. A 3.0 GPA is the minimum required for admission, but since you will be competing against top students, a higher GPA is usually required for acceptance.
  • When you have completed at least 48 prerequisite hours, including 16 hours of required science courses, apply to our 15-monthPacesetter BSN
  • If you choose to complete a two-year Associate of Nursing degree and become an RN, you may apply to ourRN to BSNprogram to earn your BSN and improve your career prospects.

Start Over

Complete your prerequisites

Whether you are attending a two-year college or a four-year university, you can apply to earn yourBachelor of Science in Nursing(BSN) from Houston’s top-rated nursing school once you have completed most of your prerequisites.

We offer two paths to receiving your BSN:

  • The 15-monthPacesetter programfor students seeking to become RNs.
  • TheRN to BSNprogram designed for nurses with Associate of Nursing degrees.

通过努力学习来准备!Cizik护理学院具有很高的竞争力,我们的毕业生受到了极大的追捧。3.0 GPA是入学所需的最低要求,但是由于您将与顶级学生竞争,因此通常需要更高的GPA才能接受。

Find out more about admission requirements for thePacesetterorRN to BSNprogram.

Start Over

Transitioning to the civilian workforce

At Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston, we often begin working with service members before they complete their military commitments. Our dedicated veteran case manager can help you prepare to apply to our退伍军人护理理学学士学位(VBSN)计划. This undergraduate pathway to a career in nursing enables you to earn up to three hours of academic credit for the medical training and experience gained in the military.

Learn about theVBSN programand otherresource, services, and opportunitiesavailable to veterans at UTHealth Houston.

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A new career

Our 15-monthPacesetter BSN programattracts many second-career students who have earned degrees in other fields. This rigorous, fast-paced program will prepare you to take the licensure exam in three semesters and begin a new career of caring.

Your next steps:

  1. Check your transcripts to see whether you are missing anynursing prerequisites.
  2. Complete any missing courses as needed.
  3. Take theHESI A2 entrance exam.
  4. Apply!

Start Over

Earn your BSN

Our flexibleRN to BSN programis designed for working nurses and new ADN graduates. It inlcudes online coursework andand in-person clinicalsthat provideopportunitiesto connect with faculty and get to know your classmates.

Learn moreandapply today.

Start Over
