
Nursing students must maintain current immunizations and screenings for specific diseases to comply with our clinical partners’ requirements. Documentation must be provided to verify required immunizations or, in some cases, positive lab reports showing you have sufficient titers in your blood to protect you against specific diseases. Additional documentation must be provided throughout your program.


重要的提示:Review the list below closely, including the timeframes in which immunization series must be started and completed. Starting the process too soon or too late could result in course registration delays.

Uploading your documentation

You must upload your immunization documentation twice – once inmyUTH满足大学要求,and separately for Cizik School of Nursing in EXXAT or E*Value. The school uses this documentation to communicate compliance with clinical facilities.

  • myuth:您将可以访问myUTHImmunization Portal 48 hours after accepting your offer of admission. This data is maintained byUthealth学生健康服务.
  • EXXAT or E*Value:Watch for an email approximately two weeks after accepting your offer of admission with a link to access the relevant portal.
    • Graduate and post-graduate programs:New students will receive an email to你的Uthealth Houston电子邮件地址approximately two weeks after accepting your offer of admission (and after your IDM hold has been released) with instructions on how to access EXXAT.
    • 本科课程:New students will receive an email to你的personal email address接受您的入学报价约两个星期,并提供了有关如何访问e*值的说明。


NAD Hold



