

Universal Precautions

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Universal Precautions

  • 始终使用屏障保护。
  • 与血液和体液一起工作时,请使用手套来保护。
  • Change glove between patients.
  • 使用眼镜、护目镜、口罩、盾牌和waterproof gowns/aprons to protect face from splashes.
  • 洗手,如果被污染,卸下手套。
  • 使用抗穿刺的锋利处置容器(在使用点)。
  • Do not recap, bend or break needles and handle all sharps carefully.
  • 使用复苏设备和设备进行口腔复苏。
  • 最小化溢出物和溅射;使用防泄漏容器;适当的生物安全柜。
  • 使用后对所有表面和设备进行净化。
  • 观察审慎的实验室实践。
  • Use proper waste management/housekeeping.
  • Promptly seek medical attention and counseling if exposed to contaminated materials (see below).

Other Protection Procedures

  • Use safe-design needle kits.
  • 如果需要重述针,请使用针线防护设备或针刺预防设备。
  • 减少针和其他尖锐的使用。
  • Use occlusive bandages as needed.
  • Follow infection control/body substance isolation practices.
  • 审查和监视改善安全条件的协议和/或实践。
  • Change or modify protocols/practices according to risk of tasks or biosafety level with additional use of personal protective equipment or special precautions.


  • Use approved disinfectant (e.g. 1:10 household bleach, etc.).
  • Use proper personal protective equipment.
  • Use a suitable strategy for decontamination and clean-up.
  • Absorb, contain and decontaminate spills.
  • Clean area with detergent and water after decontamination.
  • Properly dispose of contaminated materials.


  • 将传染废物放在标有“红色袋”/指定容器的标签上。
  • Dispose of sharps in labeled, puncture-resistant containers.
  • Utilize: proper storage/transport/treatment (decontamination) of infectious materials.

In Case of Accident:

  • Immediately report the incident to your supervisor and fill out "Supervisor's First Report of Injury" form.
  • Report the incident as soon as possible to Environmental Health & Safety at 500-8100 (Biological Safety 500-4193).
  • Seek medical attention and/or counseling.
  • Contact UT Student and Employee Health Services at 500-3267; take completed "Supervisor's First Report of Injury" form with you for office appointment.
  • Needlesticks should be reported to 951-8013 (a 24 hour pager).