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Fast Facts

The Fayez S. Sarofim Research Building...
Encompasses 229,250 gross square feet
Has a $120 million total cost
Moves 50 percent of the air from the offices into the atrium, saving air conditioning costs by providing "semi-conditioned" air to the atrium space
Can withstand hurricane-force winds on its exterior terracotta rainscreen system
Includes a vivarium sufficient for a rodent population of about 23,000
Allows natural light to penetrate further into the laboratory spaces by using ceiling “clouds” suspended from laboratory ceilings—convex-shaped and colored white, the panels diffuse light off their surfaces
Uses glass on 90 percent of the north façade—filling the building interior with natural light and showcasing the building’s function
Divides its area into roughly 50 percent lab space, 50 percent office space, with the intention that the vertex of the wings will foster human interaction
Employs open laboratory areas with 20 linear feet of island bench in each workspace module—all of the island benches are all easily movable to accommodate the changing dynamics of research
Has 22 open lab modules along the north side of each of the four lab floors
Offers an area called “The Institute Gateway” as the public “face” of the IMM—includes the entry vestibule, atrium, auditorium and conference center
Is located in the Texas Medical Center at 1825 Pressler St., Houston TX 77030.
The New Frontiers Campaign...
Total campaign goal:$200 million
Combined total of previous three UT-Houston campaigns:$51 million
Building cost:$120 million
Total number of gifts in New Frontiers Campaign:600 from nearly 500 donors
Average gift size:$207,000
Gifts of $1 million or more:36
Number of endowments established by the campaign:27
Largest gift from an individual:$25 million from Fayez S. Sarofim
Largest gift from a foundation:20 million from The Brown Foundation, Inc.