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Doctorate in Health Informatics Admission Process 申请截止日期 Transfer Credit
the Master of Science in Health Informatics
研究课程 翻译项​​目


The program is the nation’s first advanced practice degree in health informatics. The DHI includes unique curriculum built for professionals seeking a terminal degree in the field of health informatics.

The degree is geared towards professionals with documented executive or management-level healthcare experience. This practice doctorate program provides informatics leaders with the advanced education required to translate evidence from original research, evaluate current practices, and utilize critical thinking to accelerate the adoption of best practices in clinical and healthcare organizations.

Instruction for the program is in a hybrid environment with more than 50% of the coursework taught online. After completing necessary didactic courses, DHI students must complete a large-scale translational project at a healthcare organization. Students work under advisor guidance while completing the project, so students have the opportunity to translate evidence from original research and accelerate the adoption of best health informatics practices.


  • 在整个医疗保健行业的领导职务与组织领导力和道德规范相结合。
  • Design, implement and evaluate health information technology quality improvement projects in health care systems.
  • 实施循证实践以改善人类健康。
  • 采用有效的沟通和协作技巧来识别和实施医疗保健提供的最佳实践。

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Doctorate in Health Informatics Admission Process

The applicant should present a completed application and official documentation of the following:

  1. A completed online application & $60 application fee
  2. 每个职位的官方成绩单?中学参加
  3. 学士学位或更高学位(首选硕士学位)
  4. 没有最低要求。大多数成功的申请人的GPA为3.0或更高。
  5. 简历或课程
  6. 研究生记录考试(GRE)得分。DHI计划申请将不考虑GRE豁免。GRE官方测试成绩的年龄不超过五(5)年。
  7. 对于国际申请人,在基于互联网的测试中可以接受最低贡献分数为87。最低雅思分数为7。DHI计划中的学生不可用F-1赞助。
  8. 提交三页的单个间隔陈述,该声明介绍以下项目:
    1. A brief summary of your background in all relevant fields including management or executive level healthcare experience.
    2. A statement of the applicant’s short and long?term career objectives, including specific information regarding short?term objectives. Be sure to include how those objectives fit the opportunities provided by the SBMI educational environments.
  9. Proposed area of interest for translational practice project
  10. 愿意促进转化实践项目的医疗保健组织的支持信。支持信必须放在医疗机构的官方信件上。支持信不应来自同一人作为推荐信。支持信应包括有关医疗保健组织的背景(包括规模的指示和活动类型),该机构希望学生执行该项目的领域,以及该组织是否会提供任何类型的支持(monetary or technical) for the applicant’s project.
  11. Three letters of reference from supervisors or colleagues. At least two letters should be from supervisors
  12. 仅通过邀请接受SBMI录取,进步和毕业(APG)委员会的访谈


秋季入学 - 3月1日

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Transfer Credit


通过双重学位或联合学位课程在SBMI接受的课程只有在课程中获得的成绩为“ B”或更高的情况下才能转移。不接受小于“ B”等级的课程将不接受转学。

Students who are presenting course work from universities or colleges outside the United States to meet admission or graduation requirements are referred to the section on International Applicants in this catalog for a listing of additional requirements.

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学位要求the Doctorate of Health Informatics


Students without a master’s degree in health informatics, or a related field, must complete 33 semester credit hours of didactic coursework before starting the DHI curriculum. Students who hold a master’s degree in informatics can immediately start the 63 semester credit hour program.

A part?time student has up to ten years (30 semesters) from the time of entry to complete the required course work. Continuous enrollment is required unless approval is obtained. A maximum of one year of an approved leave of absence will be allowed for continuance in the program. If more than one year of leave occurs, the student must apply for readmission to the program.

每门课程在生物医学中体重指数为前缀formatics degree plan is a graduate level, professional course and must be passed with a grade of “B” or better. Students must earn a grade of “B” or higher in all dual degree program courses, unless the course is graded on a Pass or Fail basis in which a grade of “Pass” must be earned. If a dual degree student earns less than a “B” in any required course, it must be retaken to continue in the program. A grade of “B” or higher must be earned on the second attempt to prevent dismissal from the program. The minimum grade point average (GPA) required for graduation is 3.0 on all BMI courses.

Computer Requirement

每个学生都必须可靠地访问满足最低要求的计算机。鼓励学生购买符合最低UTHealth要求的笔记本电脑。计算机要求在网站上列出and are subject to change.

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The DHI culminates with a translational project and a project evaluation report. Students in the program will work on didactic courses and translational project work simultaneously. Students identify a project and primary advisor during the first semester of study and invite two additional committee members during the second semester.

The Project Advisement course is taken as the student works with an advisor and committee to prepare the project plan. At the end of the student’s first year, a tentative timeline for the completion of the DHI program and translational project must be submitted.


  • 背景和相关文献/证据的审查
  • 项目概况
  • 理论框架/逻辑模型
  • 目的陈述/项目的意义
  • Evaluation design, including return on investment
  • 实施/收集证据
  • Recommendations
  • 未来的含义

After completing the translational project, the student must present the findings. The presentation must be presented at an oral session that is open to the public. Translational project documents authored by degree candidates are available to interested members of the general public upon request. After the presentation, the translational project committee votes to pass or fail the student. If the student passes and all other degree requirements are met, the translational project committee makes its recommendation for the degree to be awarded.

For further curriculum information, please contact:

UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics Office of Academic Affairs
7000 Fannin Street Suite 650

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