Estrella Welcomed by School of Public Health and Brownsville Community

Mayra Estrella, PhD, assistant professor in the department of epidemiology, human genetics, and environmental sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health
Mayra Estrella, PhD, assistant professor in the department of epidemiology, human genetics, and environmental sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Brownsville, TX

梅拉·埃斯特雷拉(Mayra Estrella)博士,博士的助理教授,布朗斯维尔的乌西省休斯顿公共卫生学院的流行病学,人类遗传学和环境科学系,几年前首次参观了里奥格兰德谷(Rio Grande Valley)。她参加了在德克萨斯州拉雷多(Laredo)和哈林根(Harlingen)的野外学习计划,重点介绍边境健康问题。该地区和文化使她想起了波多黎各的家。

Estrella was living in Chicago and never imagined she would eventually take a position at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Brownsville. That first exposure to the Rio Grande Valley did have an important impact, as it shifted her interest from statistics to social aspects of lived experiences of the population, and how the social determinants of health influence chronic disease.

“我了解了与健康结果和健康差异有关的社会和结构性因素。我在波多黎各也看到了类似的问题。我意识到需要制定计划来满足参与者在边缘化社区中的特殊需求。” Estrella说。


She and her husband are thrilled to have made the move south to Brownsville from Chicago, where they feel welcomed and at home. “Brownsville and the Valley have such a friendly and welcoming culture, familiar to us as Latinos who grew up in Puerto Rico. The climate and living near the ocean again is a nice change as well,” she said.

As for Estrella’s research and plans for the future, she says her next steps are to become involved with local issues. “I’m excited to learn more about the work and needs of this community. I am observing and listening so I can find the areas where I will be of most service.”



“I feel very welcomed and at home here in Brownsville and look forward to serving this very deserving community through my research and scholarship.”

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