Testa on, "The Contribution of Criminal Justice Systems to Reproductive Health Disparities" in the American Journal of Public Health

Recent research suggests that policing is failing to protect and serve Black communities, and that collaboration between the public health community and law enforcement is imperative for creating more equitable policing.

亚历山大·泰塔(Alexander Testa)博士,圣安东尼奥的Uthealth休斯顿公共卫生学院
亚历山大·泰塔(Alexander Testa)博士,圣安东尼奥的Uthealth休斯顿公共卫生学院

刑事司法系统中的种族差异如何影响黑人美国人的生殖健康的影响在美国圣安东尼奥的Uthealth Houston公共卫生学院教授Alexander Testa的一篇评论文章中探讨了,该学院最近在《美国杂志》上发表在《美国杂志》上。公共卫生(AJPH)。

引用疾病控制中心,古特马赫研究所,新奥尔良警察局的统计数据,以及杰奎琳·贾恩(Jacqueline Jahn)在AJPH上发表的一项研究比白人更有可能被警察阻止。

According to Jahn’s research, Black birthing persons are exposed to an annual average of 43.7 proactive police stops per 100,000 population, compared with 30.7 stops on average in neighborhoods where White birthing persons reside.

The study also found that Black birthing persons experience preterm birth at a rate that is nearly twice as high as that of White birthing persons, 15.8% for Black people vs. 8.0% for White people.

Testa said Jahn’s study is an important piece of research in understanding how racial disparities in policing are affecting reproductive health, an area that has so far been overlooked.

“ Jahn等人的研究。…在严格的分析中,在刑beplay苹果手机能用吗事司法和公共卫生的交汇处进行了研究,该分析阐明了生殖健康和主动警务的明确种族差异;他们的研究还详细介绍了这两者如何相交。” Testa说。



“改善警察 - 社区关系总体上是良好的政策,但是正如Jahn等人一样。已经向我们展示了,这也可能是良好的生殖健康政策。” Testa说。


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