
Women with heart disease are more likely than men to suffer cardiovascular events due to microvascular response to stress, study finds


How women with heart disease respond to stress can increase their risk of developing adverse cardiovascular events, according to a new study co-authored by researchers with UTHealth Houston School of Public Health and Emory University in Atlanta.

该研究最近是出版in the American Heart Association’sJournal of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.



“We found that women and men with heart disease react differently to stress,” said Samaah Sullivan, PhD, first author on the study and assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health. “Particularly, women had a more severe microvascular response or constriction of the small vessels, so their risk of a cardiovascular outcome was greater. Men were not really impacted.”

据沙利文(Sullivan)开始在埃默里大学(Emory Universibeplay苹果手机能用吗ty)的研究后研究后,这些发现与先前的研究相一致,这些研究发现女性对压力的生物学反应明显,这可能会增加与男性相比的心血管事件的风险。

“Prior studies have alluded to women having a distinct biological response to stress that may increase their risk of major cardiovascular events compared to men, but this is one of the first studies to show sex differences in microvascular dysfunction in response to stress including a diverse sample of women and men,” Sullivan said. “This research really shows that there is a female-specific mechanism that links psychologic stress to cardiovascular outcomes. These findings can help physicians recognize that stress is a risk factor for women and to address it so they can minimize that risk.”

Additional authors include: An Young, MD, MPH; Mariana Garcia, MD; Zakaria Almuwaqqat, MD, MPH; Kasra Moazzami, MD; Muhammad Hammadah, MD; Bruno B. Lima, MD, PhD; Yingtian Hu, BS; Mohamad Nour Jajeh, MD; Ayman Alkhoder, MD; Lisa Elon, MS, MPH; Tené T. Lewis, PhD; Amit J. Shah, MD, MSCR; Puja Mehta, MD; J. Douglas Bremner, MD; Arshed A. Quyyumi, MD; and Viola Vaccarino, MD, PhD, all with Emory University.


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