

Veronica Models a walking desk

在我们的新闻通讯的最后一期中,我们谈到了创建健康的工作场所和promised a follow-up on ways to move at work. Often times, people think of moving more as a means to burn more calories, but moving more has other health benefits such as improvements in productivity, sleep quality, stress management, and blood sugar and blood pressure control.

增加体育锻炼有优势减少久坐的时间 - 不一定是同一件事。所有成年人应每天进行30分钟或更多的体育锻炼。通过体育锻炼,我们的意思是“中度到vi的体育锻炼”(MVPA),它需要足够的心率提高您的心律,以使您的呼吸比正常人比正常但理想的交谈更重。除了每天30分钟的MVPA外,研究表明,一天中其他部分的久坐不久坐也是有益的。这可以包括站立,步行缓慢,轻型园艺等活动等活动,因为我们中的许多人每天都在工作中花费很多小时,因此寻找在工作场所中建立非官方时间的方法可能会产生很大的不同。

Here are some examples and you can probably think of more:

Employee Using Walking Desk in Her Office

健康生活学院行政分析师Veronica Rodriguez使用她的办公室的散步桌


每次机会都使用楼梯而不是电梯. If your office is on a floor that is too high for climbing, start off by walking one flight and then take the elevator. See how far you can progress by adding another flight each week.

休息少。Set a timer on your phone or computer to remind you to get up and move every hour. This can be as simple as a walk to the water fountain or a few minutes of light yoga. You can also add these breaks to long meetings – your attendees will appreciate it! For more ideas and resources on activity breaks, click here.

Plan walking meetings.在与某人一对一会面或接电话时,请尝试在街区或附近的公园里漫步。

Fit Your Space – Energizing Office Stretch:

在您的办公桌上的瑜伽 - 办公室瑜伽:

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