
Gabriela Gallegos自然驱动到终点线


加布里埃拉·加勒戈斯(Gabriela Gallegos)“越过终点线会创造出令人振奋的成年人 - 努力实现目标并实现目标。”
加布里埃拉·加勒戈斯(Gabriela Gallegos)“越过终点线会创造出令人振奋的成年人 - 努力实现目标并实现目标。”

这个小男孩努力完成比赛,远远落后于其他比赛。因此,种族组织者加布里埃拉·加勒戈斯(Gabriela Gallegos)派遣了几个志愿者与他一起奔跑。这个男孩脸上露出灿烂的笑容完成了比赛。


比赛El Paso总裁兼比赛总监Gallegos说,这些种族“以我从未预测过的方式改变了生活。我们经常被螺母和螺栓陷入困境。然后,我得到了这些衷心的故事,并感谢您。”

Gallegos is responsible for five races: Mighty Mujer, which has now expanded to Austin, Tucson and Miami; Splash and Dash for children 7-15; Mission Valley Duathlon (run-bike-run); Eagle in the Sun Triathlon; and the Anthony Flying Horse Half-Marathon.



COVID-19 has presented challenges to the sport.

“Initially when COVID-19 was taking hold, we had to learn how different countries were handling it at the Olympic and qualifying level. There were economic impacts, and championships had to be postponed.”


“Thankfully people are looking for ways to set goals. It’s been a real challenge. Fortunately, we have a loyal and motivated following.”

Her interest in racing started when she was working in Dallas as a lawyer.

“Crossing a finish line creates an exhilaration you don’t get often as an adult – working toward a goal and having it play out.” She worked up to a half ironman then a full ironman in 2012.

加勒戈斯(Gallegos)于2月在埃尔帕索(El Paso)的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心公共卫生学院担任管理,政策和社区卫生系副教授。


“我们整个El Paso都有口袋。低收入和少数杂货店与更多与饮食有关的死亡有关。通过这项倡议,我们县成为该国的第一位。”

Gallegos says she comes by her drive naturally.

“Since I was little I’ve always been very entrepreneurial and thought outside the box. At the age of 6, I made a little newspaper to sell at the local Big 8. My parents always supported me in these things because it was in my nature.”

This article published in El Paso, Inc. on August 29, 2020

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