
Early Childcare Education


Early Childcare Education

Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
HB 1792 State Rep. Angie Chen Button


委员会应使用符合所有联邦和州法律的竞争性采购程序,选择一个单一的实体来监督全州范围的合格评估者名单,以评估在初始认证过程中以及何时参加德克萨斯州新星计划的儿童保育提供者提供商申请更高水平的认证。Companion Bill:SB 694 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1555 State Sen. Judith Zaffirini


在建立参加该委员会补贴的托儿计划的托儿服务提供者的报销率时,每个董事会应均等的托儿服务提供者为同一委员会年龄段的儿童提供护理的款项,该年龄段根据提供者可以招募的儿童数量,卫生和公共服务委员会通过的儿童比例和群体规模。Companion Bill:HB 1695 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
Bills Below Failed to Make it through Legislative Process

HB 51 州众议员詹姆斯·塔拉里科(James Talarico) Referred to Public Education - 2/25/20 The primary duties of the Office of Early Childhood are to coordinate and integrate childcare, early childhood, and early care. This office will also be in charge of learning programs in Texas in order to administer programs and funding as efficiently as possible. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 168 State Rep. Mary Gonzalez 在众议院委员会中待正在等待 -3/16/20 The executive commissioner shall promulgate minimum standards that apply to licensed child-care facilities and to registered family homes covered by this chapter and that will meet certain requirements listed.Companion Bill:SB 1140 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 351 州众议员詹姆斯·塔拉里科(James Talarico) 在众议院委员会待在审理-4/12/21 公立学校,私立学校和托儿设施的空气过滤效率标准将保护设施中人员的公共卫生。外围beplay每个设施都应测试和替换HVAC系统,以满足空气过滤效率标准。HVAC系统的这种测试应至少每年一次。 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1003 State Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. 在众议院委员会中待正在等待 -3/16/21 建立了私人儿童保育工作队,以研究该州的私人儿童保育提供者,以及减少私人儿童保育提供者提供的托儿服务金额并增加托儿的方法。 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1364 州众议员拉蒙·罗梅罗(Ramon Romero) 室内委员会 -4/07/21 当地的劳动力发展委员会可以允许与董事会合同签约并参考可能有资格获得补贴托儿服务的董事会儿童。在根据本小节进行转介时,育儿提供者应考虑孩子还是孩子的父母是有权优先提供由委员会提供或合作提供服务的团体的成员。Companion Bill:SB 971 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1583 State Rep. Yvonne Davis 待在众议院委员会-4/14/21 Each board shall create a child care advisory group consisting of both Texas Rising Star Program providers and child care providers who do not participate in the Texas Rising Star Program. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1695 State Rep. John Raney 室内委员会 -4/07/21 在建立参加该委员会补贴的托儿计划的托儿服务提供者的报销率时,每个董事会应均等的托儿服务提供者为同一委员会年龄段的儿童提供护理的款项,该年龄段根据提供者可以招募的儿童数量,卫生和公共服务委员会通过的儿童比例和群体规模。Companion Bill:SB 1555 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1761 State Rep. Julie Johnson Referred to Human Services - 3/10/21 The task force is established to study the accessibility and affordability of child care in this state. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1964 州众议员雷·洛佩兹(Ray Lopez) 在众议院委员会中待正在等待 -3/24/21 The commission shall conduct a study in this state regarding the cost, in comparison to family income, of providing Previous child care that meets at least the minimum quality requirements for certification as a three-star rating provider under the Texas Rising Star Program. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 2038 州众议员詹姆斯·塔拉里科(James Talarico) 提到自然资源-3/15/21 每个公共供水系统都应在公共供水系统提供的每所公立学校,私立学校和儿童保育机构中充分替换铅服务线。替代者应由公共供水系统支付,无论服务线的任何部分所有权,都应与相关的市政当局,学校或托儿所进行协调。替代者必须符合委员会根据第341.055条的技术指导。
Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 694 State Sen. Judith Zaffirini 提到健康与公共服务-3/11/21 委员会应使用符合所有联邦和州法律的竞争性采购程序,选择一个单一的实体来监督全州范围的合格评估者名单,以评估在初始认证过程中以及何时参加德克萨斯州新星计划的儿童保育提供者提供商申请更高水平的认证。Companion Bill:HB 1792 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 971 State Sen. Judith Zaffirini Left pending in Senate committee - 4/27/21 当地的劳动力发展委员会可以允许与董事会合同签约并参考可能有资格获得补贴托儿服务的董事会儿童。在根据本小节进行转介时,育儿提供者应考虑孩子还是孩子的父母是有权优先提供由委员会提供或合作提供服务的团体的成员。Companion Bill:HB 1364 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1140 State Sen. Judith Zaffirini 转介到健康与公共服务-3/18/21 The executive commissioner shall promulgate minimum standards that apply to licensed child-care facilities and to registered family homes covered by this chapter and that will meet certain requirements listed.Companion Bill:HB 168 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1793 州参议员罗伊斯·韦斯特 转介教育-3/26/21 与得克萨斯州劳动力委员会管理的某些儿童的资格有关,该计划在公立学校中免费提供了幼儿园前计划。外围beplay
Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1800 州参议员罗伊斯·韦斯特 提到他alth & Human Services - 3/26/21 卫生与公共服务委员会应与德克萨斯州劳动力委员会和地方劳动力发展委员会合作,以提高该州优质先前儿童保育的可用性和可及性。卫生与公共服务委员会应集中于国家需要育儿的个人数量超过该地区的托儿服务提供者的可用空缺数量的地区。 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1960 州参议员罗伊斯·韦斯特 转介教育-4/01/21 Relating to the eligibility of certain children who are or were in foster care for free prekindergarten programs in public schools.
Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1964 州参议员罗伊斯·韦斯特 提到自然资源与经济发展-4/01/21 A child is eligible for subsidized child care if the child is eligible for enrollment in a prekindergarten class in a public school under Section 29.153, Education Code. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session

Early Childcare Education Resources:

  1. 有关托儿所室内空气质量的资源P罗维德
  2. 德克萨斯州的幼儿教育
  3. Early Childhood Education for Children with Disabilities
  4. 减少疾病在育儿中的传播
  5. 早期护理和教育计划指南
  6. 健康的孩子健康的未来
  7. Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Child Care Quiz
  8. 去Napsacc!建立健康的饮食和体育锻炼习惯
  9. ECELS:幼儿教育联系系统
  10. 长大,尝试一下,就像它一样!营养教育K。it