Maternal & Child Health


Maternal & Child Health

账单 # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
HB 293 州众议员妮可·科利尔(Nicole Collier) Out of House Committee - 4/12/21 健康福利计划必须向将接受医学上必要治疗的涵盖人员提供覆盖范围,包括手术,化学疗法和放射线,美国临床肿瘤学学会或美国生殖医学学会已建立可能直接或直接或直接间接导致生育不良。Companion Bill:SB 93 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
HB 320 州众议员唐娜·霍华德 转介公共卫生-2/25/21 The executive commissioner will establish a women's health advisory committee to provide recommendations to the commission on women's health programs, including programs previously consolidated by the commission. 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
HB 331 州众议员詹姆斯·塔拉里科(James Talarico) Referred to Public Health- 2/25/21 Within 100 days the Department is directed to produce and post publicly a plan to make substantial progress annually over five years toward offering evidence-based maternal home visiting programs universally to eligible families. 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
HB 420 State Rep. Carl Sherman Referred to Public Health- 2/25/21 The executive commissioner will establish a task force to study maternal mortality rates for African American women and any related disparities, and develop and provide recommendations on improving maternal health outcomes among African American women. 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
HB 495 State Rep. Gene Wu 提到人类服务- 2/25/21 A child-care facility may provide notice on the percentage of children attending the facility who are immunized, the percentage of adults employed by the facility who are immunized, and the facility's hand washing policy to prevent the spread of infection. 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
SB 93 State Sen. Jose Menendez 转介给商业与商业-3/3/21 健康福利计划必须向将接受医学上必要治疗的涵盖人员提供覆盖范围,包括手术,化学疗法和放射线,美国临床肿瘤学学会或美国生殖医学学会已建立可能直接或直接或直接间接导致生育不良。Companion Bill:HB 293 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题

Maternal & Child Health Resources:

1.Maternal and Child Health (MCH)Training Program



4.Preserving Fertility in Females with Cancer

5.Advisory Committee on Research on Women’s Health

6.Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee

7。CDC Breastfeeding Resource Page

8。Texas WIC Breastfeeding Resource Page

9。Doula Medicaid Project

10.Expanding Access to Doula Care: State of the Union
