
Bills that are relevant to obesity research taking place at the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living can be viewed here.


Bill # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
HB 727 State Rep. Eddie Lucio III Left pending in House committee - 3/10/21 The department will develop an initiative to reduce the adverse health impacts of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity for adults and children in border counties. The initiative must promote educational resources designed to prevent those conditions, screenings of persons at risk for those conditions, and referrals to and treatment by health care providers for those conditions.Companion Bill:SB 116 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 1594 State Rep. Alma A. Allen Referred to Public Education - 3/8/21 The Department of State Health Services School Health Advisory Committee established under Section 1001.0711, Health and Safety Code, shall develop model policies for the recess period during the school day that encourage constructive, age-appropriate outdoor playtime. The model policies must include guidelines for outdoor equipment and facilities on public school campuses that maximize the effectiveness of outdoor physical activity. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 2887 State Rep. James Talarico Referred to Public Education - 3/18/21 A school district shall require a student enrolled in full-day prekindergarten, in kindergarten, or in a grade level below grade six to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the school year as part of the district's physical education curriculum or through structured activity during a school campus's daily recess. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
HB 3299 State Rep. Steve Allison Out of House Committee - 4/28/21 Each school district that offers kindergarten through grade 12 shall offer, as a required curriculum health, with emphasis on: (i) physical health, including the importance of proper nutrition and exercise Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 116 State Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. Referred to Health & Human Services - 3/3/21 The department will develop an initiative to reduce the adverse health impacts of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity for adults and children in border counties. The initiative must promote educational resources designed to prevent those conditions, screenings of persons at risk for those conditions, and referrals to and treatment by health care providers for those conditions.Companion Bill:HB 727 Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session
SB 1049 State Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. Referred to Health & Human Services - 3/18/21 The department shall establish the childhood obesity prevention demonstration program and the chronic disease prevention demonstration program under this chapter in border counties with a population of less than 800,000 and more than 400,000. Topic not tracked by the Michael & Susan Dell Center during the previous session

Obesity Resources:

1.Center SPAN Interactive Database

2.Child Obesity Crisis in Texas

3.Child Nutrition Crisisin Texas

4.Physical Activity Crisis

5.Screen Time Crisis

6.Sleep Quality

7.SSB Consumption

8.Center Obesity Toolkit

9.COVID-19: Impact of Pre-existing Health Conditions in Adults

10.Health Fits Into Every Day

11.Healthy Living Challenge

12.Child Obesity in Texas

13.Nutrition and Weight Status

14.Healthy Border 2020: A Prevention and Health Promotion Initiative

15.State of Childhood Obesity Texas

16.Obesity Data

17.State Profiles

18.Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

19.CDC Childhood Overweight and Obesity Resources

20.Adult Overweight and Obesity

21.Current Dietary Guidelines

22.Childhood Obesity

23.The State of Obesity 2020: Better Policies for a Healthier America

24.Healthy People 2030: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

25.Healthy People 2030: Overweight and Obesity

26.Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Physical Activity

27.Obesity Action Coalition

28.Voices for Healthy Kids

29.Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Healthy Eating Research

30.State of Childhood Obesity

31.Mission Readiness: Council for a Strong America

32.National Physical Activity Plan

33.Y疾病预防控制中心:outh Risk Behavior Surveillance System

34.The 2018 United States Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth
