

在这里可以查看与Michael&Susan Dell健康生活中心进行的与口腔健beplay苹果手机能用吗康研究有关的账单。


账单 # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
HB 2056 State Rep. Stephanie Klick PASSED-Signed by the Governor on 6/16/21, effective 9/1/21 with some exceptions A health professional providing a health care service or procedure as a telemedicine medical service, a tele-dentistry dental service, or a tele-health service is subject to the standard of care that would apply to the provision of the same health care service or procedure in an in-person setting.同伴法案:SB 488 如同HB 1756(2019);失败,referred directly to subcommittee by chair。如同SB 792(2019);failed, not again placed on intent calendar.
Bills Below Failed to Make it through Legislative Process
HB 1742 州众议员鲍比·格拉(Bobby Guerra) Left pending in House committee - 3/31/21 A health professional providing a health care service or procedure as a telemedicine medical service, a tele-dentistry dental service, or a tele-health service is subject to the standard of care that would apply to the provision of the same health care service or procedure in an in-person setting.同伴法案:SB 488 如同HB 1756(2019);失败,referred directly to subcommittee by chair。如同SB 792(2019);failed, not again placed on intent calendar.
HB 2755 州众议员埃迪·卢西奥三世 室内委员会-5/6/21 A health benefit plan that provides coverage for general anesthesia may not exclude from coverage general anesthesia services in connection with dental services provided to a covered individual who is: (1) younger than 18 years of age; and (2) unable to undergo the dental service in an office setting due to a documented physical, mental, or medical reason determined by the individual's physician or by the dentist providing the dental care.同伴法案:SB 401 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
SB 401 州参议员朱迪思·扎菲里尼(Judith Zaffirini) 转介给商业与商业-3/9/21 A health benefit plan that provides coverage for general anesthesia may not exclude from coverage general anesthesia services in connection with dental services provided to a covered individual who is: (1) younger than 18 years of age; and (2) unable to undergo the dental service in an office setting due to a documented physical, mental, or medical reason determined by the individual's physician or by the dentist providing the dental care.同伴法案:HB 2755 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
SB 488 州参议员查尔斯·佩里 提到健康与公共服务-3/9/21 A health professional providing a health care service or procedure as a telemedicine medical service, a tele-dentistry dental service, or a tele-health service is subject to the standard of care that would apply to the provision of the same health care service or procedure in an in-person setting.同伴法案:HB 1742,HB 2056 如同HB 1756(2019);失败,referred directly to subcommittee by chair。如同SB 792(2019);failed, not again placed on intent calendar.
