
Bills that are relevant to tobacco and e-cigarette research taking place at the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living can be viewed here.


账单 # Author Status Brief Description Past Bills (2019)
SB 248 State Sen. Nathan Johnson PASSED-没有州长的签名,有效的9/1/21。 A person may not engage in business as a cigarette retailer in this state unless the person has been issued a permit from the comptroller. A person shall obtain a permit for each place of business the person owns or operates at which sales of e-cigarettes are made. 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
Bills Below Failed to Make it through Legislative Process
HB 1255 State Rep. Steve Allison 转介到方法和手段-3/4/21 在这种状态下从零售商那里购买的香烟的储存,使用或其他消费量征收税款,但该州的储存,使用或其他消费量不适用于存储,使用或其他税除非第151章征收的税款适用于存储,使用或其他消费,否则消费。Companion Bill:SB 216,HB 1523 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
HB 1523 State Rep. Shawn Nicole Thierry 提到Ways & Means- 3/8/21 A person may not engage in business as an cigarette retailer in this state unless the person has been issued a permit from the comptroller. A person shall obtain a permit for each place of business the person owns or operates at which sales of e-cigarettes are made.Companion Bill:SB 216,HB 1255 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
HB 3842 State Rep. Garnet F. Coleman 提到公共卫生-3/23/21 如果零售商的代理商或雇员根据本第章,第I章或K. K. K.犯有犯罪,则零售商应采取纪律处分。Companion Bill:SB 836 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
SB 216 State Sen. Nathan Johnson 提到Finance- 3/3/21 A tax is imposed on each sale of an e-cigarette in this state, including a sale made through a marketplace, except that the tax does not apply to a sale unless the tax imposed under Subchapter C, Chapter 151, applies to the sale.Companion Bill:HB 1255,HB 1523 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
SB 440 State Sen. Cesar J. Blanco 提到State Affairs- 3/9/21 A person may not sell, give, or cause to be sold or given a cigarette, e-cigarette , or tobacco productwith a distinguishable taste or aroma other than the taste or aroma of tobacco, including the aroma or taste of:酒精饮料;糖果;巧克力或香草;fruit; an herb or spice; honey; menthol; or mint or wintergreen. 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题
SB 836 State Sen. Carol Alvarado 提到State Affairs - 3/11/21 如果零售商的代理商或雇员根据本第章,第I章或K. K. K.犯有犯罪,则零售商应采取纪律处分。Companion Bill:HB 3842 上一届会议期间,迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔中心未跟踪主题


1.Teen Vapingin Texas

2.Vaping Advertisements and Teens

3.Vaping with Flavors

4.Age of Initiation of Tobacco Products Among USA Youth and Young Adults

5.CATCH My Breath

6。Texas Adolescent Tobacco and Marketing Surveillance Study (TATAMS)

7。Texas Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science on Youth & Young Adults (TCORS)


9。Quick Facts About JUUL



12.FDA's Deeming Regulations for E-Cigarettes, Cigars, and All Other Tobacco Products

13.THE FACTS on e-cigarette use among youth and young adults

14.Extinguishing the Tobacco Epidemic in Texas

15.About Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes)

16.Campaign for Tobacco free Kids

17。Truth Initiative
