About the Executive Committee

Michael&Susan Dell健康生活中心由一支执行团队领导,后者汇集了数十年的经验,并代表了儿童健康研究方面的各种专业知识。beplay苹果手机能用吗执行委员会定期开会以审查中心的进度和目标,并在最高级别为中心提供指导。

Executive Committee

Deanna HoelscherDeanna Hoelscher博士,RDN,LD,CNS,Fisbnpa

Campus Dean, UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin
Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living
John P. McGovern Professor in Health Promotion
Distinguished Teaching Professor at The University of Texas System

霍尔舍博士的研究兴趣在德西beplay苹果手机能用吗gn, implementation, and evaluation of programs, policies, and measurement tools related to child nutrition and physical activity. Dr. Hoelscher has been recognized by state, national, and international organizations for her expertise in child nutrition and physical activity research.

Evans_SandraAlexandra(Sandra)Van Den Berg,博士,MPH

Associate Director, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living
Professor, Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences

亚历山德拉·埃文斯(Alexandra Evans)博士是德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHealth)公共卫生学院Michael&Susan Dell健康中心的行为科学与健康促进副教授。她获得了德克萨斯大学公共卫生学院的公共卫生硕士学位。随后,她获得了德克萨斯大学的博士学位,并在Hoelscher博士的领导下完成了NCI博士后研究金。

Steven Kelder史蒂文·凯尔德(Steven Kelder)博士,MPH

Beth Toby Grossman Distinguished Professor in Spirituality and Healing
外交协调员, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living


Bill KohlHarold W. (Bill) Kohl, III, PhD

Professor, Epidemiology and Kinesiology
Associate Regional Dean of Academic Affairs, UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin

科尔博士曾担任亚特兰大CDC营养和体育锻炼部的体育活动和健康部门的主要流行病学家和团队负责人。2006年,他被窃听是为了帮助制定2008年发表的第一项美国体育活动指南。and was recently appointed Chair of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Science Board.

Nalini RanjitNalini Ranjit, PhD

Associate Professor, Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
Coordinator of Research, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living

Dr. Ranjit’s research interests span two broad areas: social and behavioral epidemiology, and design and evaluation of behavioral interventions. Her work in social and behavioral epidemiology includes several highly cited studies examining environmental, socioeconomic, racial /ethnic, psychosocial factors and behavioral factors associated with disparities in a variety of population health outcomes, including chronic disease biomarkers, health risk behaviors, obesity, and mortality. Her second broad area of research, the design and evaluation of behavioral interventions, is focused on detailed evaluation of effectiveness of interventions, by decomposing the effects of multi-component interventions, and identifying why some subpopulations and some behavioral outcomes appear especially susceptible to the effect of particular interventions. In both areas of research, her work is informed by an explicit focus on quantitative methodologies.


Gabriel_Kelley web

凯利·佩蒂·加布里埃尔(Kelley Pettee Gabriel)博士

Professor of Epidemiology,
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Perry_Cheryl-webCheryl L. Perry, PhD

Professor Emerita, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
UTHealth School of Public Health in Austin

Guy Parcel最近Guy Parcel, PhD

Dean Emeritus,
UTHealth School of Public Health
