

The Michael & Susan Dell Health Scholar programwas founded in2011有资金from the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living, part of The University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston School of Public Health (UTHealth School of Public Health) Austin Campus.The Dell Health Scholar program wasa merit-based pre-doctoral program for students interested in nutrition, physical activity, obesity, and /or tobacco prevention. The Dell Health Scholar programwasintended to provide training and research opportunities for doctoral-level students in health research enrolled at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public HealthAustin Campus.The Dell Health Scholar position hasunderthe方向of Drs. Deanna Hoelscher and Alexandra van den Berg.

Pre-doctoral posit可以通过项目资金获得离子机会,请参阅the项目清单ing这里. Please contact the project PI should you be interested in pre-doctoral funded position availability.Other pre-doctoral funding机会areavailable through the National Cancer Institute, please visit the公共卫生学校网站.

2021-2022 Dell Health Scholar

Shelby Floresthorpe

Shelby Flores-Thorpe,医学-Shelby is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science at the Austin Campus. A native New Mexican, Shelby received her Master of Education in Health Education from Texas State University and her bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from St. Edward’s University before starting at UTHealth School of Public Health. Between her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree, Shelby worked for a non-profit in New Mexico, her home state, working to implement nutrition and wellness classes into Native American communities across the state. Her current research interests are translational research – how policy and public health can work in tandem – and food security in college students and adults. Shelby has worked on the FRESH Austin project and currently works with the Texas Research-to-Policy Collaboration (TX RPC) Project.


  • 布列塔尼·布坎南(Brittany Buchanan),MPH
  • Amelia Roebuck, BS
  • Margaret "Marnie" Moore, JD, LLM, MPH
  • Christine Jovanovic, MPH
  • Allen Hallett, MS
  • Leigh Ann Ganzar, MPH
  • Eun Me Cha, MPH
  • Melisa Creamer,MPH,博士
  • Eileen Nehme, MPH, PhD
  • Kim Wilson, MPIA, DrPH
  • Meliha Salahuddin, MBBS, MPH
  • Felicia Carey, MPH, BS, BA
  • Anna Porter, MPH

Dell Health Scholars
