
Dietetic Internship Program

The concentration for The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Dietetic Internship Program is public health nutrition. Dietetic Interns delve into this area of concentration through didactic work, supervised practice, and their final specialty practice rotation with staff relief in an area of public health nutrition selected by each intern.


  • Students receive 1000 supervised practice hours in four major areas of dietetics: Community Nutrition, Hospital and School Foodservice Management and Medical Nutrition Therapy, and specialty practice in public health nutrition同时赢得了公共卫生大师。
  • For the past five years, the UTHealth Dietetic Internship has had a 100% pass rate on the credentialing examination for Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
  • Uthealth饮食实习与50多个实习站点有隶属关系。我们的学生在大休斯顿地区的机构中获得了他们的经验,包括著名的德克萨斯州医疗中心。实习生将完成他们的饮食实习,并在22-24个月内获得公共卫生硕士学位。
  • Uthealth提供了3种新资源,其中包括种子到板营养计划:整体和治疗花园,烹饪研究与演示诊所,以及带有MNT 3-G模拟器的模拟实验室。beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • Uthealth最近获得了营养与饮食学院的“值得注意的实践奖”。
  • 程序结果数据可应要求提供。

成功完成饮食实习后,毕业生有资格通过饮食登记委员会进行营养师的注册检查,并有资格通过德克萨斯州州卫生服务部。Visit theAcademy websitefor licensure information for all other states.


If you have additional questions about the program or would like to visit the campus, please email us atdigeticintheship@uth.tmc.edu.


休斯顿公共卫生饮食实习学院得克萨斯大学健康科学中心已获得营养与饮食学会的营养和饮食学教育认证委员会(ACEND)的全面认证。在2023年 - 计划评估报告2016年之前,已通过Acend确认认证。




Upon successful completion of the Dietetic Internship and Masters Program, students are eligible to take the Dietitians Registration Examination through the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. The exam requirements are set by CDR. The new RDN is qualified to apply for the dietetic licensure through the德克萨斯州卫生服务部.

Uthealth的饮食实习计划和监督实践目前被授予认证状态营养与饮食学教育认证委员会(Acend)and meets the exam requirements.

ACEND may be contacted at:

营养与饮食学院120 South Riverside Plaza,Suite,Suite 2190芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60606-6995 PH:(312)899-0040 Ext。5400免费电话:1 +(800)877-1600分机。540
