
Alexandra(Sandra)Van Den Berg,MPH,博士

亚历山德拉(Sandra)Van den Berg的照片

Professor, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences

Van Den Berg博士是一名研究人员,beplay苹果手机能用吗在开发和评估大型行为和环境干预方面具有超过20年的经验,该研究解决了与粮食不安全和饮食行为相关的健康差异,低收入的体重状况,居住在贫困社区中的种族多样化的家庭。她的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗可以通过三个广泛的主题来描述:1)开发,实施和评估具有成本效益和可持续性的干预措施,以增加获得健康食品的机会并促进可持续的当地粮食系统;2)检查环境因素与随后的儿童及其家人的健康行为之间的关系;3)调查健康教育/促进在优化儿童及其家人对环境的行为反应中的作用。

范登·伯格(Van Den Berg)博士目前是联邦资助的新鲜奥斯汀研究的PI,她和她的团队正在衡量奥斯汀市(较少的)对低收入的奥斯汀市实施的当地食品访问计划的影响, mostly Hispanic residents’ purchasing and dietary behaviors. As part of this grant, the research team is also developing an agent-based model to simulate food access policy scenarios and their impact on food purchasing and consumption patterns. In a recently completed NIH study(NIH 1R01HL123865-01A1),研究小组评beplay苹果手机能用吗估了基于学校的园艺,营养和烹饪干预措施的影响,以减少肥胖和相关代谢性疾病,主要是居住在低收入,农村,食品沙漠社区的西班牙裔儿童。Van den Berg博士也是Gava的PI(Go Austin!/vamos Austin!)研究,该研究是一项基于社区的,多组分的肥胖干预措施联盟驱动的系统方法产生旨在全面解决儿童和成人的肥胖环境的变化。


Current Projects

Texas SNAP-Ed Evaluation

Thumbnail image for Texas SNAP-Ed Evaluation

Texas SNAP-Ed Evaluation, is a two-year project to evaluate, on a statewide basis, the effectiveness of SNAP-Ed nutrition education and obesity prevention programming activities delivered by Implementing Agencies throughout the state of Texas.

Texas GROW! EAT! GO!

Thumbnail image for Texas GROW! EAT! GO!

This project will test the impact of several different programs on behaviors related to childhood obesity including, a hands-on family-focused gardening program and a fun school-based walking program for kids.

Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE)

Thumbnail image for Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE)

This project is a collaborative effort that will study the impact of two recent policies: the Safe Routes to School program and an important rule revision to the federal food allocation package administered by the Texas Women, Infants and Children program.




Recent Publications

Design and participant characteristics of TX Sprouts: A school-based cluster randomized gardening, nutrition, and cooking intervention.

Davis, J., Nikah, K., Asigbee, F. M., Landry, M. J., Vandyousefi, S., et al. (2019). Contemporary clinical trials, 85, 105834.


van den Berg, A., Nielsen, A., Akhavan, N., Llanes Pulido, C., Basu, S., et al. (2019). Archives of Public Health, 77(25).

Examining the Role of Income Inequality and Neighborhood Walkability on Obesity and Physical Activity Among Low-Income Hispanic Adults

Towne, S. D., Jr, Lopez, M. L., Li, Y., Smith, M. L., Warren, J. L., Evans, A. E., et al. (2018). Journal of immigrant and minority health, 20(4), 854–864.




Health by Design: Interweaving Health Promotion into Environments and Settings


Recent News

Review: Evaluation of the Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin Initiative

Thumbnail image for Review: Evaluation of the Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin Initiative

The Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin (GAVA) is a coalition of neighbors and community partners which organizes and mobilizes community efforts in ways that reduce barriers and increase institutional capacity in low-income communities. READ MORE.

$4.4 Million For 2018 Nutrition And Food Access Research Award Winners


Dr. Alexandra van den Berg Ph.D, along with a research team, will use the nearly $1 million grant to develop a quasi-experimental longitudinal study designed to capture the impact of new food access points on consumption, food security, and obesity.
