安德鲁·斯普林格(Andrew Springer)

Photo of Andrew Springer

Associate Professor, Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences

施普林格博士的研究兴趣促进儿童beplay苹果手机能用吗和青少年健康,包括儿童肥胖的预防和晋升of physical activity and healthy eating.Springer博士曾在研究项目中任职或目前担任研究项目的首席调查员或共同研究人员,由Robert Wood Johnson,CDC和Michael&Susan Dell Foundation提供beplay苹果手机能用吗:评估国家规定的立法以促进physical activity in elementary and middle school children, reduction of sedentary behaviorin Hispanic children living on the Texas-Mexico border, implementation and evaluation of the CATCH program in elementary and middle school students, evaluation of a school and community-based physical activity and healthy eating promotion program (“Marathon Kids”), and testing of low-cost strategies to promote elementary school children’s physicalactivity during recess and structured activity break time in Austin, Texas and Pueblo,Colorado.

Dr. Springer maintains an active public health practice focus, which includes experience with planning, implementation and evaluation of rural-based health promotion projects in Latin America via organizations that include Amigos de las Americas, Save the Children- El Salvador, and the United Nations Development Program in Guatemala. Since 2008, Dr. Springer has served as the President of the Austin Chapter of Amigos de las Americas, a nonprofit organization that recruits, trains and fields young leaders in community health and拉丁美洲的开发项目。

Research Interests——青少年健康促进;身体活动;childhood obesity prevention; socio-ecological influences of health behavior; epidemiology of child and adolescent health behaviors in Latin America.

Honors- 菲利普·约翰逊(Philip C.环境卫生学者奖,BFI,1998年,Uthealth公共卫生社区服务奖获得者(2012年)和Uthealth公共卫生学院麦戈文年度最佳教师(2012年,2016年)第二名;由健康促进和行为科学系提名,UTHealth公共卫生学院卓越教学奖(2016年,2018年)。

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CATCH is a research-based program designed to guide schools, families and children in healthy eating and physical activity.

CATCH My Breath

Thumbnail image for CATCH My Breath

CATCH My Breath (CMB) is a middle school e-cigarette prevention program originally designed as a rapid response to the emerging teen vaping trends.

Recent Publications

Multi-directional pathways of tobacco and marijuana use, including comorbid use, among a population-based cohort of adolescents in Texas: A six-wave cross-lagged model

(Rogers, S. M., Harrell, M. B., Chen, B., Springer, A., Loukas, A., & Perry, C. L. (2021). Addictive Behaviors, 115, 106771.)


(Kelder, S. H., Mantey, D. S., Van Dusen, D., Vaughn, T., Bianco, M., & Springer, A. E. (2021). Dissemination of CATCH My Breath, a middle school E-Cigarette prevention program. Addictive Behaviors, 113, 106698.)

A middle school program to prevent e-cigarette use: A pilot study of "CATCH My Breath"

Kelder, S. H., Mantey, D. S., Van Dusen, D., Case, K., Haas, A., & Springer, A. E. (2020). Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 135(2), 220–229.


Thumbnail image for Stronger Austin: Evaluation Findings for Year 1

12/1/18 - Co-learning about the initial delivery and effects of Stronger Austin – a community-based initiative aimed at increasing access to health and wellness programming in Austin, Texas: Evaluation Findings for Year 1 (2017-18)


Frost,E.,Markham,C.,Springer A. E。;(2018)。德克萨斯医学中心论文。AAI10131709。

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In response to the youth vaping crisis, experts at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) developed CATCH My Breath, a program to prevent electronic cigarette use among fifth – 12th grade students.
