
2022 Annual Lectureship:

爱德华·迈巴赫(Edward Maibach),博士
University Professor and Director,
George Mason University


Anthony B. Iton,医学博士,JD,MPH
"When It Comes to Your Health, Does Your Zip Code Matter More Than Your genetic Code?"
The California Endowment

2020 Annual Lectureship:

The 2020 Annual Lectureship in Child Health was cancelled due to therestrictions imposed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

2019 Annual Lectureship:

Ross C. Brownson, PhD
Brown School and the Division of Public Health Sciences and Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of Medicine
Washington University in St. Louis

2018 Annual Lectureship:

Dianne Stanton Ward, EdD, FACSM, FTOS
"Making Child Care Spaces Healthy Places: What Will It Take?"
Director, Intervention and Policy Division
Professor, Department of Nutrition,
Gillings School of Global Public Health,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2017 Annual Lectureship:

Simón Barquera, MD, PhD
"What the US can learn from Mexico's fight against obesity: the process, results, push backs, and future challenges"
National Institute of Public Health of Mexico

2016 Annual Lectureship:

Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA
19th United States Surgeon General


Barry Popkin, PhD
"The World Is Fat: Child Obesity and Food System Dynamics"
W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Nutrition
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2014 Annual Lectureship:

Brian Wansink, PhD
John Dyson Professor of Consumer Behavior

2013 Annual Lectureship:

Honoring Guy Parcel, PhD for his 40 years in child & adolescent health research
(Half-day lecture series featuring four of Dr. Parcel’s colleagues)

Bruce Simons-Morton, EdD MPH
“Social Influences on Adolescent Health Behavior”
National Institute of Child and Human Development

罗宾·梅尔梅尔斯坦(Robin Mermelstein),博士
“Integrating social and emotional contexts in predicting adolescent and young adult smoking patterns”
University of Chicago

Phil Nader, MD
“Next Steps in Obesity Prevention”
University of California San Diego

Kay Bartholomew, EdD, MPH
“Intervention Mapping”

2012 Annual Lectureship:

J. David Hawkins, PhD
“A sociologist Takes on Teen Smoking, Drinking and Violence…And Wins!”
Endowed Professor of Prevention
Founding Director of the Social Development Research Group, School of Social Work, University of Washington, Seattle


Russell R. Pate博士,博士
“Getting and Keeping Children Physically Active in an Inactive World: What Works?”
Professor and Director, Children’s Physical Activity Research Group
University of South Carolina
Arnold School of Public Health


Keynote Speaker and 2010 Lectureship Award Recipient: Dr. Kelly Brownell, PhD
Director,Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity

医学博士Lew Kuller博士,DRPH

肯尼斯·华纳(Kenneth Warner)博士
“Puffs and Pounds: Lessons from Tobacco Control for Combating the Obesity Epidemic”
Dean, University of Michigan School of Public Health


Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH
“Childhood obesity: Which children are at highest risk, and why?”
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine


William Dietz, MD, PhD
“What Can We Do to Address the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity?”
Director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity in the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


玛丽·斯特罗(Mary Story),RD博士
