

About Live Smart Texas

The Live Smart Texas coalition believes that collaborations can achieve better outcomes than individual entities working on their own. Members of the LST collaborative agree to work toward the:

  • Development of resources to build community infrastructure and capacity to implement culturally-competent, evidence-based practices, particularly in communities at high risk for obesity;
  • Development of funding of an obesity prevention research agenda; and,
  • Creation and dissemination of a shared obesity prevention policy agenda to address the needs of all Texans through the Partnership for a Healthy Texas and SOS Texas Team.


社会,政治,经济和程序利益的融合导致了2007年的联盟成立。我们的成员代表了包括政策,教育机构,州组织,研究中心,专业协会和地方社区团体在内的所有关键部门。beplay苹果手机能用吗过去八年来的一些成就包括强调德克萨斯州在国家和州会议上的活动,获得研究合作伙伴关系的国家资金,通过政策和领导培训来建立社区能力,支持健康的德克萨斯州政策议程的合作伙伴关系,导致多个与肥胖有关的账单。beplay苹果手机能用吗通过,并担任德克萨斯州的最后九场南部肥胖峰会(SOS)。在最近的出版物中,我们的许多努力得到了强调(Ory等,2013)。点击这里to read more about LST’s history and accomplishments.


To be a member of Live Smart Texas, please contact us atLiveSmartTexas@uth.tmc.eduor contact yourRegional Representative.

Most Recent Live Smart Texas Webinar

Creating Healthier, More Resilient Kids Through Recess (Outdoor Play)

久坐不动的生活方式的选择和缺乏运动是版本y common among this generation of elementary aged children, which increases their chances of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, asthma. The school environment may contribute to this problem by offering no more than 20 minutes of recess daily in many elementary schools, while spending the majority of the day focused on classroom content. The LiiNK Project, a whole child intervention, is focused on schools offering four 15-minute recesses, defined as outdoor, unstructured play, during each school day. This webinar will focus on how recess can be highly beneficial to the whole child when offered throughout the day every day.

Debbie Rhea, Professor of Kinesiology and Director, LiiNK Center for Healthy Play, Texas Christian University
