“How Good Food Works from Seed to Plate,” Earns Distinction with Multiple Awards

“How Good Food Works from Seed to Plate,” showcasing UTHealth School of Public Health’s Nourish Program, earns distinction with multiple awards

Laura Moore and students in the UTHealth School of Public Health Nourish Garden
Laura Moore (center) and UTHealth School of Public Health Students in the Nourish Garden (Photo courtesy of Alexander’s Portraits - Alexander Rogers)

好食物如何从种子到盘子,” a unique coffee-table style cookbook spearheaded and authored by faculty from the UTHealth School of Public Health, has received multiple prestigious honors, both domestically and internationally.

屡获殊荣的食谱是一本精装书282页的书,讲述了一个非凡的故事UTHealth School of Public Health’s Nourish Program。这本书是从一个5,000平方英尺的花园开始的,并提供了数十个由水果,花朵,种子,块茎,香料,茎和芽的精美插图的食谱。

The cookbook won the Eric Hoffer First Horizon Award, as well as the da Vinci Eye honor for best cover artwork. The book also was the top winner in the category of Home.

These awards honor the memory of the American philosopher Eric Hoffer by highlighting excellent writing, as well as the independent spirit of small publishers. The competition, with 18 categories, represents one of the largest international book awards for small academic and independent presses. The newest honors recognize the cookbook as superior work by debut authors.

The cookbook also received recognition as a2022年独立书籍出版商协会(IBPA)本杰明·富兰克林奖的银牌获奖者。这些奖项被认为是独立出版中最高的国家荣誉之一。

The cookbook features more than 100 easy-to-prepare, healthy, delicious, and nutritious recipes written for the home kitchen. Readers learn preparation techniques, entertaining ideas, and facts on spices and herbs, as well as tips on how to grow their own fruits and vegetables at home.

The Nourish Program is founded on a basic belief, explains one of the authors Laura S. Moore MEd, RD, LD, director, Nourish Program, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at the UTHealth School of Public Health. “We show how easy it is to eat healthy and live a healthier lifestyle by improving people’s understanding of food – how it’s grown, harvested, prepared and seasoned.”

的烹饪书花了一年多的时间来培养。“我的goal was to have a fundraising cookbook for our amazing program which would generate funding for our community nutrition education and culinary skills training to those in underserved areas,” explains Moore. “Our Nourish Program broadens the understanding and appreciation of food and strengthens the connection between who people are and what they consume. We transform eating from a daily act to a lifelong experience.”

其他作者包括J. Wesley McWhorter,DRPH,MS,RDN,LD,CSCS,助理教授,Dietitian Chef-Dietitian和Culinary Nutrinary Nutrinary的Nourish计划研究员;beplay苹果手机能用吗约瑟夫·诺瓦克(Joseph Novak)博士,著名的园艺家;以及休斯顿社区领袖兼慈善家唐·桑德斯(Don Sanders)。

销售食谱的收益support the Nourish Program, its community outreach efforts, and the state-of-the-art teaching facilities. With a vision of ‘seed to plate to prevention’, the Nourish Program allows public health and dietetic students to learn about every aspect of food, including organic gardening, culinary nutrition, and medical nutrition therapy.

The project was completed with the leadership support and advocacy of Eric Boerwinkle, Ph.D., Dean of the UTHealth School of Public Health. “Our Nourish program is the focal point for nutrition education in the Texas Medical Center and is a success in making communities and their members healthier and stronger. We are the only School of Public Health and dietetic internship in the country with this kind of program.”

In addition to the previously listed awards, “How Good Food Works from Seed to Plate” won the2021 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in the Best of the Best cookbook category

Moore is a member of the nutrition faculty at UTHealth School of Public Health and the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living. Her passion for food began with her training at Le Cordon Bleu, and her expertise is in nutrition and culinary arts with an emphasis on nutritional science, culinary training, and community garden education. She is aregistered dietitian nutritionisttrained in weight management for children and adolescents, with a focus on obesity prevention.

McWhorter是Uthealth公共卫生学院的助理教授和营养学院成员and the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living。A professionally trained chef, registered dietitian, and certified strength and conditioning specialist, his experience includes corporate wellness, sports dietetics, school and hospital food service, fine dining, and stints as a private chef. He has degrees in culinary nutrition, dietetics, and nutrition and metabolism and has a doctorate in public health, with an emphasis on health promotion and behavioral sciences.

领先的金融管理公司桑德斯·莫里斯·哈里斯(Sanders Morris Harris,LLC)的创始人桑德斯(Sanders)是一位受人尊敬的社区领袖和长期慈善家,他赞赏“捐款的影响”。他对体育运动,特别是棒球的贡献是传奇的,他为该项目提供了宝贵的种子资金。

Novak is a noted horticulturist who earned his PhD in vegetable crops with a minor in plant pathology and international agriculture at Cornell University. He created the unique 5,000-square-foot holistic garden that is a major component of the Nourish Program.

该食谱以屡获殊荣的摄影师Debora Smail的精美摄影作品。

Home to diverse communities that reflect the future population of the U.S., students at the UTHealth School of Public Health are uniquely positioned to gain hands-on experience on local projects with national significance. Our faculty are pioneering radical solutions for imminent public health problems and provide the tools and resources that will push students to think critically and creatively both in and out of the classroom. This is where academic rigor meets real-world application.

Founded in 1967, UTHealth School of Public Health is home to students and faculty from over 54 countries, who bring new perspectives, experiences, and opportunities to our classrooms. The school has built relationships with city governments, new communities, academic institutions, and industries to better support the needs of culturally complex and diverse areas in which we live work, and play.

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