Michael & Susan Dell Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program


The Michael & Susan Dell Post-Doctoral FellowshipWAs建立在2011 to serve asa research traineeship for post-doctoral fellows interested in nutrition, physical activity, obesity, and/or tobacco prevention research. The program provided一名全职博士后研究员的资金在该中心居住一年,并根据绩效和筹款性获得额外的资金。The目标of the post-doctoral fellowship programWAs to train future experts in营养,体育锻炼,肥胖和/或预防烟草研究beplay苹果手机能用吗so the fellow is prepared to successfully become an independent investigator. The Center Post-Doctoral Fellowship ProgramWAspreviouslyled by Drs.Deanna Hoelscher,Steve Kelder, andHarold Kohl.

博士后奖学金was administered在2011 - 2022年通过迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔健康生活中心的资助,休斯敦德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHEADY)公共卫生学院Austin校园.

Current Funded Post-DoctoralFellowshipOpportunities:

  1. Post-doctoral opportunities目前通过国家癌症研究所获得德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHealth)公共卫生学院网站。
  1. Project-funded post-doctoral fellowship positions may be可用的通过列出的中心项目here. Please contact the project PI for possible opportunities.

Past Michael & Susan Dell Post-Doctoral Fellows

2021-2022:Ethan Hunt, PhD, MPH

2019-2021:Kevin Lanza, PhD, MCRP

2017-2018:凯蒂·埃尔德(Katie Elder), PhD

2015-2016:黛博拉·萨尔沃·多明格斯(Deborah Salvo Dominguez), PhD

2011-2014:Abiodun (Abi) Oluyomi, PhD

Additional Post-Doctoral Fellows

迈克尔和苏珊·戴尔健康中心生活是主持人multiple post-doctoral fellows throughout the yearthrough project-funded post-doctoral fellowship positions. These post-docs come from a variety of funding agencies to work on projects housed at the Center. Post-docs work with their project PIs and are also mentored by Dr. Kelder and Dr. Kohl as well as other Center and Austin Campus mentors.

Current Post-Doctoral Fellows

Stephanie Clendennen, DrPH, MPH, CHES

UTHealth School of Public Health

Current Project:Texas Adolescent Tobacco and Marketing Surveillance Study (TATAMS)

Onyinye Omega-Njemnobi,MBBS,MPH

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
UTHealth School of Public Health

当前项目:引起我的呼吸RO1:中学集群RCT评估电子烟预防计划和CATCH Healthy Smiles;Texas CARES


戴尔·曼蒂(Dale Mantey),博士,MPH
Current Position:Assistant Professor of Health Promotion & Behavioral Science at UTHealth School of Public Health Austin Campus

凯蒂·詹达(Katie Janda)博士,MPH
Current Position:贝勒大学公共卫生助理教授

Leigh Ann Ganzar, DrPH, MPH

克里斯汀·乔瓦诺维奇(Christine Jovanovic)博士,MPH
Current Position:Northwestern University’s Behavioral and Psychosocial Postdoctoral Research Training Program in Cancer Prevention and Control


Allison Marshall,PhD, MPH, MSSW
Current Position: UTHealth Cizik School of Nursing

Jacob Szeszulski,PhD
Current Position:助理教授The Texas A&M AgriLife Center at Dallas

Blanche Greene-Cramer,DrPH, MPH
Current Position:Epidemiologist, Health Emergency Information & Risk Assessment, World Health Organization

Maria Romo-Palafox,PhD, RD
Current Position:Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, Doisy College of Health Sciences, Saint Louis University

凯西·杜兰德(Casey Durand),PhD, MPH

Current Position:Uthealth公共卫生学院Austin校园健康促进与行为科学助理教授
