Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey (TX CARES)

Banner image for Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey (TX CARES)

The Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey (TX CARES) project was designed in response to the pandemic to estimate the prevalence of SARS-CoV (coronavirus) antibody status across Texas. The study is sampling approximately 106,000 participants, ages 5-80 including children, students, vulnerable population, and professionals across Texas. Research is funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services and conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). TX CARES projects entails analyzing blood sample at three time points (three months interval) to determine coronavirus antibody status.

The Texas Coronavirus Antibody Response Survey (Texas CARES), is a survey that will help us better understand the human antibody response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Survey participants will help us measure things like how many people in the survey already have COVID-19 antibodies, and how long those antibodies last.


  • Estimate how many people in Texas have been infected with SARS-CoV-2.
  • How long COVID-19 antibodies last in a person’s system.
  • 确定开发共同19抗体的人的特征。
  • Identify the characteristics of people who never develop COVID-19 antibodies.

Texas CARES Procedure:

  • 同意和简短问卷(在线)
  • Schedule Appointment for blood draw at CPL lab near you

Blood Draw: A total of three blood draws is required (Baseline, 3 months and 6 months), one at each time point. CPL lab visits is at 3 months intervals.

  • Study Timeline: 2020-2022


Meet Our Team


Team members from the UTHealth School of Public Health include:

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Eric Boerwinkle


Austin/ Michael&Susan Dell健康生活中心[教育人口]:Steven Kelder博士;Bill Kohl III博士

Brownsville [FQHC Population]: Dr. Melissa Valerio-Shewmaker

Dallas [Pediatric Population]: Dr. Sarah Messiah

Houston [Biostatistics]: Dr. Stacia DeSantis; Dr. Michael Swartz; Dr. Ashraf Yaseen

Program Manager:

Jessica Ross

Postdoctoral Fellow:

Onyinye Omega-Njemnobi
