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Additionally, with the novel coronavirus causing a worldwide pandemic, the study aims to learn how SARS-CoV-2 is influencing food system dynamics by collecting data on purchasing, consumption, and lifestyle behaviors due to COVID-19.

  • 新鲜的奥斯汀的目标是了解相互关联和相互依赖的食物通道干预措施如何导致可持续解决方案,从而促进健康并增加经济机会。该研究涉及多层次的社区评估,该评估将利用各种评估工具,包括自我报告工具,审核,加速度计和GPS。研究的第二个主要组成部分将是开发基于代理的模型。


    • 参与者:奥斯汀/特拉维斯县地区的400名成年人
    • 项目长度:3年
    • Measurements: yearly survey assessing food purchasing and consumption, and associated behaviors, as well as BMI and food security among confirmed users of new food access points, exposed users to new access points (per residential location), and control (unexposed) participants


    • 在基准年,同类参与者的子样本(n = 100),佩戴带有加速度计和GPS设备的设备带,可以客观地衡量我们人群中食品购买行为的空间模式,并最终告知我们的基于代理商的模型
    • Survey participants of SFC’s The Happy Kitchen nutrition education series (30 people once a year for 3 years)
    • 多年来对新食品获取点的环境审核
    • 评估基线和最后几年的食品,社会和过境社区环境和社区设计
    • 对队列调查的食品频率问卷的验证,重复24小时饮食召回作为标准度量


Alexandra Van Den Berg博士,MPH

纳利尼·兰吉特(Nalini Ranjit),博士

Deborah Salvo,博士

Nika Akhavan,MPH

玛莎·迪亚兹(Martha Diaz)

凯瑟琳·詹达(Kathryn Janda),博士

艾达·尼尔森(Aida Nielsen),MPH

全州围绕Snap&Double Up Food Bucks的讨论:焦点小组和区域召集

Texas, with some of the fastest growing population centers in the country, is experiencing increased pressure on affordable cost of living, hitting low-income residents especially hard when it comes to basic needs like food. To address inequity in access to healthy food, Sustainable Food Center (SFC) has been working in partnership with organizations across the state to launch and support Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB), a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) incentive program, at local farmers’ markets and grocery stores. The overarching goal of this project was to inform recommendations for the DUFB Program enhancement including ways to bolster the program’s reach, delivery and ensure fidelity across multiple geographies.


玛莎·迪亚兹·马林(Martha Diaz Marin)

亚历山德拉(Sandra)Van den Berg的照片

Alexandra (Sandra) van den Berg, MPH, PhD

GAVA评估研究主要研究员;得克萨斯州快照评估的共同投资者 艾达·尼尔森(Aida Nielsen)的照片

艾达·尼尔森(Aida Nielsen),MPH

GAVA评估研究项目主任 Photo of Nalini Ranjit

纳利尼·兰吉特(Nalini Ranjit),博士

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