
现场智慧得克萨斯州World Obesity Day Summit


Speaker:现场智慧得克萨斯州and Guests


Welcome by Leah Whigham, PhD, FTOS and Keynote by Tom Farrey

主任Whigham博士of the UTHealth Center for Community Health Impact, Secretary/Treasurer & Fellow of The Obesity Society, will provide welcoming comments and highlight the importance of World Obesity Day to recognize obesity is a disease, raising awareness and improving understanding of its root causes and the actions needed to address them.

Tom Farrey, Executive Director, Sports & Society Program at the Aspen Institute, is dedicated to improving the world through sports. He founded the Sports & Society Program to convene leaders, facilitate dialogue and inspire solutions that can help sports serve the public interest. Two years later, Project Play, its signature initiative, was launched to help stakeholders build healthy communities.

Quick presentations from LST Steering Committee

State of Obesity in Texas presented by the Partnership for a Healthy Texas

德克萨斯州领导人小组将分享“得克萨斯州肥胖状态”报告中的亮点,并讨论问题和一些政策解决方案,以解决在这个动荡的时期解决肥胖危机的问题。小组成员包括:David Lakey博士(UT系统),Alma A Allen博士(TX State Rep)和Patricia Garza(所罗门·奥尔蒂斯小学的校长)

Deanna Hoelscher博士,RDN,LD,CNS,Fisbnpa的关闭言论


Course Files
